Beta Request. Also, Some Other Stuff.

Jul 08, 2009 00:12

Quick but important beta request: can anyone please look over a Dollhouse fic for me? It's for the Dollhouse ficathon - which means it needs to be ready for posting by this Thursday, the 9th (yeah, way to wait until the last possible second, right? well, it wouldn't be a ficathon if I wasn't somehow procrastinating).
I know that doesn't leave a lot of time unfortunatly, but the thing is, it really shouldn't take long. It's only 2,000 some words and really, all I want is someone to glance over the thing and assure me it's not complete crap. And catch the inevitable spelling and grammer typos I'm sure I made somewhere.
(I don't want to go into too much detail since I want it to be a surprise when I post, but I will give this much of a warning: it's not D/D. I wanted to make myself do something different this time. Other than that, typical Dollhouse fare - PG-13 rating, mostly straightforward with a slightly darker twist toward the end.)

Had a good time visiting some Guildies down in Cincinatti for the fourth of July. Saw the fireworks, got to see ravin_raven, spent the night at skylark913's place. Her parents seem decidedly less rabid than I was led to believe, but then, I only saw them for a few hours.

Should be going to a Faire in Bristol (am I spelling that right? idk) this weekend, which I'm looking forward to. Especially since I got my official Wench pin in the mail this week ;)

Oh, and merry_raven has finally, officially moved out for the summer. Her sub-lease has moved in.
His name is Steve, he seems perfectly nice and polite, and he's a med student doing his residency at the OSU Medical Center.

...Now, before anyone says anything, I will have you know that 1) he has a girlfriend, 2) I'm not looking anyway, and 3) we're only rooming together for about a month, people; I'm not a miracle worker.

holiday, writing, real life, procrastination, roomies, guild, boys, requests, travel

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