Random Threesome (Post Not Nearly as Exciting as that May Lead You to Believe)

Jun 22, 2009 16:06

The top 20 for the ultimate HBIC are up. DeWitt, Roslin, Cuddy, Buffy and Zoe all made the list, along with quite a few other good canidates as well.
Commenting is no longer allowed, but voting for who makes it to the top 10 is open until the end of June. So be sure to cast in for the canidate of your choice, a'ight? VOTE ROSLIN.

Anyone familiar with my love of Law & Order and especially with Jack McCoy being the Chuck Norris of the fictional Judicial Branch can probably guess that there's nothing I love quite like a dramatic, unrealistic courtroom scene.
So of course when a link popped up on my flist to this article on the 18 craziest and legally improbable courtroom scenes (mostly movies, but a few TV shows as well), I just had to pass it on. Enjoy!

“It is out of sheer morbid curiosity I am allowing this freakshow to continue.”

Y'all, I feel so drained today. I got plenty of sleep, but I'm just so...ugh, I don't even know. I've done some laundry and dishes and I'm probably going to clean the bathroom later, but I still feel so unaccomplished.
I really want to write, or maybe read some of the many books I've got lying stacked around (it doesn't help that I picked up even more the other day for my "classics reading" collection - Don Quixote, Peter Pan and Little Women), but it just ain't happening. I'm not really in the mood to read, and I'm just not in the right mindset for writing, I guess. I mean, I really really want to, but I feel totally uninspired and I'm just not feeling any of the character voices today. It doesn't help that my last piece of writing was pretty crappy by my standards, either.

Guess I'll just go back to watching the SVU marathon and seeing if I can catch any more old actor cameos. Just caught Peter Petrelli as an angry teenage sodomy victim. Good times.

girl power, random, fandom, writer's block, tv, link, reading, movie

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