"I want to [verb] your [noun]."

May 08, 2009 11:10

cynthia_arrow started a post on words that will take you right out of a good sex scene. It's an interesting topic; I was just going to link to her entry, but then I realized it was f-locked.
So, I'm basically stealing the idea from her. Hope she doesn't mind. I'm just interested in hearing from everyone.

So, tell me: what are some certain words that, upon reading, throw you right out of an otherwise passable or even quite nice bit of porn? Mood-kill words, we could say.

There are the classics, of course.
Me, I still can never get over "cum". Never ever EVER gonna get around that one. Especially when it's being used as a verb, like, "I'm going to cum!" No. Just...NO.
I also can never seem to get around "pussy", because to me it hits this perfect note of being somehow both shudder-inducing and making me want to break into incredulous laughter. I can never take that word seriously, I guess, especially during a steamy raunchy sex scene. (Conversely, however, I have discovered I no longer have a problem with "cunt". As long as it's in a scene where the writing style is already dark and filthy, it adds a nice little punch. And face it, there just aren't that many euphanisims for "lady-bits". So I might as well tolerate one.)

Then of course, there are the truly inappropriate descriptive terms.
cynthia_arrow brought up "ooze", and I have to mention that only to heartily concur. Nothing in a sex scene should ever, ever "ooze", at least not if you want the scene to actually stay sexy.
My personal unfavorite is whenever the author throws in a word evoking, I suppose, the "tightness", but does it incredibly wrong: "crammed", "packed", "wedged", "stuffed"...the list goes on. Unfortunatly.

So what about you? What have you seen that totally ruined the smex for you? What are some bad-choice porn words to make you shudder? I'm all ears.

writing, questions, smut, fandom, lol, i don't get you people, wtf, porn

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