Did I have any homework this weekend? God, I hope not, because I've completely blown off doing it, just like I've done with everything else.
I have tons of laundry and I was supposed to clean part of the kitchen and my bathroom is kind of disgusting and there is no food in this apartment so I really should go shopping. Yet, I haven't done any of that.
...So what else is new?
On Friday I saw Wanted, as
previously mentioned, a decision about which I am having serious buyer's remorse. Because the other movie we could've seen was WALL.E and neither of us really cared either way but I figured we should see Wanted since I know plenty of other people who would want to see WALL.E...and now of course I'm hearing everyone talk about how adorable and wonderful WALL.E is, and considering after I get my tattoo on Tuesday I'll have all of maybe $120 in my account, I probably won't be seeing any more movies anytime soon, so...I'm a little irritated about that.
On Saturday
ravin_raven came over and we watched the entire first season of Gargoyles. Yes, I am still forcibly converting to the wonder that is Gargoyles every chance I get. Who knows? Maybe someday they'll actually decide to finish releasing the episodes on DVD.
(You! Yes, you. Have you seen Gargoyles? *eyes you sharply*)
After that we both went to ComFest downtown with a bunch of the other Rennies. Walked around, looked at things, ate ethnic food...I bought a funnelcake and we powdered Steve with its sugar. Good times. Then we listened to an Irish-themed band called The Drowsy Boys play. Then we walked around some more, then a bunch of us went to Liz's...and somehow three of us wound up talking about Sims2 and all the crazy things you can do with it while the other two stared on in blank wonder.
And today, another bunch of Rennies (mostly the same bunch) had a picnic at
ezazahaz's place, and we went on a little nature walk after. I bailed early, because I had a shit-ton of stuff to do.
You know, that same shit-ton of stuff I just finished telling you all I did not do? Sigh.
I did work on a fic, though. I guess there's that.
Anyway, for the BSG-inclined of my flist, to keep you all interested in me, I simply must link you to this jaw-droppingly amazing S4 vid by
It's pretty much the story of S4, and the characters, and how they are all doomed. But it's so much more than that. I can't even begin to say. But for the love of the gods, watch this vid. Every BSGer that's up to date on S4 needs to. Seriously.
so say we all I (Handlebars) Also,
this Baltar fanvid isn't exactly the best I've ever seen, but it's still pretty good, and I feel I need to point it out to you all regardless because it's to "The Noose" which has been set in my mind as possibly the most perfect song for Gaius ever since he got started on his whole S4 kick.