Heroes 2x10: "Truth and Consequences"

Nov 27, 2007 09:37

Monica -
Okay, I know this is probably so obvious it hardly needs to be said, but considering that "St. Joan" is from the "Ninth Wonders" comic books, painted by late great Psychic Painter Isaac Mendez? Yeah, I have no problems believing Monica truly does eventually turn out to be the masked heroine (where does "St. Joan" come from, though? Is this something biblical? Like Joan of Arc, maybe?). Considering one of these people putting on a costume and becoming an actual bonified superhero is something I've been waiting for since season one, the prospect could not fill me with more glee.
Now she just needs to learn how not to get nabbed by the bad guys (I predict Micah drafts Niki into saving her, and she gets killed in the process. I'm calling it right now).
Also, I really really hate Damian. What is that kid's damage??

Sylar and the Twins...er, Twin -
So apparantly, Sylar goes for the dark-eyed, dark-haired, unfathomably chronically dim ones. Though I kind of love her falling madly and suddenly in love with him because he "understands her pain" and all, because is it just that level of sad. At least she got some level of control on her powers of DOOM out of it; now if only she could manage that same level of control on her pants (seriously, girl: I realize English is not your first language and all, but Sylar was being unbelievably creep-tastic on the phone with his ex there, and you're just standing there smiling like "Whee! My new chico is friends with the coolest people!" Stop picturing the promised threesome and PAY ATTENTION).
RIP, Alejandro. Does it make me a terrible person if I say I think Maya will be more interesting now that it's only her? Maybe it's just because her story is going somewhere, finally. Or maybe it's just a matter of the dullness having been cut in half and therefore being automatically less.
1000 psycho points to Sylar for making out with Maya not ten feet away from her twin brother's still-warm corpse. A million billion points in general for taking off his shirt and getting all wet and steamy NGUH.

Adam -
Alright, so we obviously know what Adamensei is up to. I'm just a little confused as to why. I mean, on the one hand, it could just be because he's all evil and crazy and bitter and he wants to destroy the world. He's severely disillusioned and 400 years old, people. It happens. But on the other hand, it could just as easily be because he really thinks wiping out the majority of humanity will make the word better somehow, because of all the destruction he's seen in 400 years and blah blah blah blah. And he's gotten it into his twisted head that he really is saving the world. You know, because he's so...evil and crazy and bitter. So I'm just saying that I'm not quite sure what's going on with him: whether he's your typical mustache-twirler or your more modern "I'm Just Trying To HELP" psycho villian. It's very interesting.

Peter -
Right now I'm wanking this as being more the fault of the writers, but I couldn't help but think it sounded an awful lot like Peter's only concern with stopping the virus is to save Caitlin. Like, he wouldn't care about the death of 93% of the world's population, if only he hadn't accidentally left his Irish sister lovah stranded at ground zero. Seriously, did anyone else catch that? He only kept bringing up the whole "death to the world" thing AFTER he made sure to mention the girl he knew for like three weeks before losing her to the time space continium. And that sure ain't the Peter Petrelli I know. Bad Peter. BAD.
I think it's probably because he didn't take his shirt off this episode. He naturally contains so much awesome he has to take his shirt off at least once every 24 hours to let it air out, and when he doesn't too much awesome builds up in his system and starts blocking the flow of blood to his brain. Take it off, Peter! We don't want you to get brain damage and die!

The Company & The Virus -
You know, I wasn't able to take Bob seriously as a threat until I saw what an asshole he is to his daughter. That's somewhat troubling.
More to the point, good lordy, just many strains of this super deadly superpowered virus do you people have? We got the naturally-occuring (?) strain of the virus that got Molly and the Haitian, we got the mutated powerstopping strain that almost wound up in Monica and then did end up in Niki (and while it was nice to hear she's apparantly not contagious after all, I'm still not withdrawing my objection from last week), and now we've got this super-mutated deadly deadly OMGSODEADLY strain that The Company thought would be awesome to keep around, for some reason, even though it almost got out and killed the world once. This had better be the actual Virus they're chasing now, because enough with the misdirection. Now I'm just remembering the first season, when it was all "We know someone explodes! But who is it? Is it Peter? Is it Radioactive Ted? Is it Sylar?" and meanwhile I'm going "JUST TELL ME WHO EXPLODES ALREADY!!"
And, look, I get that they're probably trying to avoid using up too many different superpowers and all, but I am getting really sick of them whacking off ElderHeroes without at least bothing to explain what their powers are first. I mean, most of fandom is guessing Kaito's power had something to do with being badass with a sword. What was Victoria's power, then? Engineering deadly viruses?

Claire -
You know, one thing I've never understood is when I see people dismissing the pain a character feels over the loss of another, when the audience knows that the second character isn't really dead. Like, we're not interested in seeing someone mourn because we know there's nothing to mourn for. I haven't seen it recently, but I've definitely seen it in the past: someone reacting to a sobbing, heart-filled soliloquy with a disgusted eyeroll and a "Oh, get over it; they're not REALLY dead". Because, what? Since we as the audience know there's nothing to cry about, we can't stretch our imaginations for five minutes and try to imagine what it feels like on the other side of the fourth wall and not knowing someone is still alive? It irritates me, when people react like that. It really really does. What I'm trying to get at, mini-rant aside, is that I thought Claire's reaction to her father's death was realistic and nicely done. Yes, I know he's not dead. She doesn't. And that doesn't mean I can't sympathize with her pain.
On the other hand, while I do kind of see where her thinking on this is coming from, I'm not exactly sure I agree with her plan of telling the world somehow making it better for the super-powered. In fact, I can think of a lot of ways it can make it a lot worse faster than you can "Mutant Registration Act". Just keep running for now, Claire...at least until you get far far away from SuperFly over there. Then you can stop, if you want. But only after.

Hiro -
You seem to have finally (finally) mastered the idea of traveling to the past without unwraveling history, so the prolific time travel, I'm not gonna complain about. But stop leaving poor Ando behind! What happened to season one where you never would go anywhere without him, even the bathroom?? Boy needs some love. And I miss him.

Mohinder -
I really worry about you. So it's perfectly okay you killed Bennet, as long as you brought him back after you were done? Riiiight. Not to mention all that posturing about how HRG brought it on himself by being reckless and angry and yadda yadda...methinks the scientist doth protest way, way too much. At least you haven't sold out completely and still have enough brain cells left to see the Virus as a bad thing. Now I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because, I mean, it's gotta.

And, of course, cliffhanger. With Peter all electo'd out and Hiro running at him with a sword, yelling.

Not cool, show. NOT. COOL. *pouts*

meta, tv, heroes

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