Something Like Holiday Spirit

Nov 25, 2007 20:03

Let's start off this entry with some dialogue, shall we?

(conversation with me and geministep on our ride back to Cleveland)
HER: So, I've got this story idea.
ME: Mmhmm.
HER: It has slash.
ME: ...Okay, for one of us? That's like saying "It has words."

(Friday morning, getting ready to leave with parents to go to mall)
ME: I had this weird dream last night. There were spaceships landing at OSU, and they were giving the college students free rides.
DAD: Did you go?
ME: I was waiting in line but then Mom woke me up.
DAD: Oh. Don't you just hate it when that happens?
ME: When...Mom wakes you up before you can go for a ride on the spaceship? Yeah. Yeah, totally.

That doesn't really sum up my mini-vacay at all, but I think it's probably the most amusing part.

So, yeah, Wednesday night me and Susan rode for about three-four hours in her Jeep up from OSU back home, stopping only for traffic jams, gas, and me being forced to refuel on (GAG) Taco Bell food after brilliantly having not eaten anything more substantial than a cereal bar and some fruit all day.

Thursday I slept in late, played a little Age of Mythology, reaquainted myself with the fact that one of the cats is still fat, lazy and mean while the other in unreasonably terrified of people she doesn't see on a daily basis, including me, and had Thanksgiving dinner with the parents plus Grandma, Cousin Jannie and Aunt Al.
Aunt Al is getting a little upwards of senile and never stops talking. Ever. Luckily, the TV was on in the background and I could distract myself when there were no questions directly asked at me. Even more luckily, and somewhat whimsically, I was able to commandeer the remote after a certain point and discovered the 2003 Peter Pan was playing on some channel.
(Grandma: (somewhat bemused) "...I think I prefer the old Peter Pan better." Me: "Oh? Why's that?" Grandma: "It's too gorey.)
I think I ate too much at dinner, but I also think you're seasonally obligated to. They also let me have some wine.

Friday I was dragged out of bed around nine in order to be at the mall by ten with Mom for the Black Friday (of DOOOOOM) sales. I needed a winter coat, some gloves and a scarf, and a wallet. All of which were sucessfully found at Sears in under twenty minutes. It was...kind of eerie, in a way.
I attempted to install a new Norton program on the (craptastic) home computer (I'm not even gonna go into how that went), and then used Amazon to make my Xmas list for the 'rents. This year has a lot of books, none of which aren't somehow either the mental equivalent of junk food or something like fandom related. Needless to say I am mildly disappointed in me.
Then later in the afternoon machi_neko came over, because despite having all summer to do it we still had to get her acquainted with Battlestar season 2.5. So (after she borrowed my bed for an hour-long nap, and then we ate dinner) we marathoned "Epiphanies" thru "Scar".
Then we went up to Dunkin' Donuts to hang a bit with eliara at work. I was given free gingerbread latte, and was happy. Then Chrissy dropped me and Laur back at my place on the way home, and we finished up with the BSG-watchin'. All the way thru both parts of "Lay Down Your Burdens". Despite having seen everything else that comes before and after, she has now finally seen Billy die. And, I get the vague impression she's kind of mad at Baltar right now. (Also, I feel obligated to report she was very amused by what she has decided was the "pointed look" Gaeta shot at one of the presidental hors on his way out the door at the beginning of the One Year Later leap in the last episode.)

Saturday I got up at about eleven, and then wound up going to the mall with eliara. We were in Barnes & Noble for all of maybe twenty minutes before Laur called me and we decided to have her have her mom drop her off so she she could join us. Chrissy bought us our Xmas presents. She also bought two sets of Munchkin, regular and Cthulu edition, and vowed right then and there she would get us to play that very night. After wandering thru the entire mall and spotting an old friend for Laur and Chrissy and several things to add to the Xmas list for me, Chrissy dropped me and Laur at my place again while she went to have dinner with her extended family.
Me and Laur passed time by watching Gangs of New York on DVD so I could finally figure what the heck that movie was about and also by playing one very short game of Monopoly (at some point, dinner was spaghetti and also my parents left to see 3:10 to Yuma, and I stumbled upon the idea that once the series is over they totally need to come out with a BSG edition of the Monopoly game. Oh, and also that if the BSG characters played Monopoly together, it would invariably conclude with someone punching somebody else in the face).
Then Chrissy came over, and we all watched "Razor" together.
Seperate post on my thoughts and reactions later, but how much do I love that they were playing the original PotC before it aired? I don't know. A whole bunch. Also, the previews for "Tin Man" still look seriously intriguing and also also, it looks like they're now giving the new season an airdate of March, which really should not make me as significantly happier as it evidently has.
Afterwards, Chrissy made good on her promise to get us to play Munchkin, although we could only manage two games since she had to take off after midnight due to work early in the morning. First we played with just the normal deck, and while very amusing in its own right, it certainly wasn't as much fun as playing with the Cthulhu edition cards mixed in was.

(My favorite Cthulhu edition Munchkin card is, hands down, the monster known as Chibithulhu:

ME: Aww. It's sooo cute!!
CHRISSY: gets +4 against females.
ME: But it's worth it!)

Of course, since Munchkin apparantly consumed a significant portion of freetime when she was still at Cinci, Chrissy soundly beat both me and Laur, since she's never played before and I only have a grand total of once up until this point. But still. Fun and whimsy, y'all.

And then today, I got up early-ish because Grandma had come over for breakfast and Dad had made pancakes and bacon, and I finished packing and put some things aside to be sent down later (found my beloved Born on a Rotten Day astrology book again, which made me so happy).
And then at about 2pm Susan came by in her Jeep, and we drove for three hours again, arriving back in Columbus at abouts 5:30 (stopped for gas, lunch, bathroom, and chocolate coconut fudge).
I got the BEEJESUS scared out of me by my roommate, who heard me coming in and thought it would be HILARIOUS to jump out making scary noises and I screamed bloody murder, and, seriously, I'm actually kind of surprised one of our neighbors didn't call the cops or something. Maybe they heard her laughing. Anyway. Like, thanks, merry_raven.
She left to go see Spamalot, and then I unpacked, called my parents to let them know I arrived safely, and took a shower, and then sat down to write this entry.

So, yeah...that was my Thanksgiving. Now I'm off to read thru my flist and find out about yours.

good times, holiday, games, money, tv, geeking, vacation, family, travel, friends

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