I'm No Superman

Jul 26, 2007 23:23

Just some random stuff that's on my mind, at the moment:

- I've been watching a lot of Scrubs reruns on TV lately. Ah, such quirky good fun, is this show. I think my all time favorite is still the Wizard of Oz one, though I really hate to play favorites at all. ("I get to have sex!!" "I hate this place.")
(And if any fan of this show who's even remotely familiar with Battlestar [or vicey versey] has yet to see that YouTube vid mashup of the "Welcome to Sacred Heart" song from the musical episode using BSG footage...shame on you. Case closed, I say no more.)

- My hair, which I've been growing out for all of summer (and pretty much most of spring) now, has gotten to the point where it's reached where neck meets shoulder in length. It started out as a pixie cut, for those of you keeping score.
It actually looks fairly cute when I flip the ends out and take the time to blow-dry it properly...of course, my usual hair routine is to let it air-dry however it cares to. Throw in the crazy humidity of these July-into-August days, and we are not having a good time in Hair Land.
Fingers staying crossed that it'll all be nicely grown out in time for Faire next May. Think it'll make it? Only time will tell...

- I've also been catching the (occasional, when I can) episodes of both Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis on TV lately. I have no idea what's going on with either of these shows save for the basic premise, a vague notion of who the characters are, and, thanks to driveby fandom, who the most popular slash pairings for each show is. So it's good times all around, really.
Weird moment, though: the other day I spotted Alessandro Juliani on SG-1. He had a ponytail, facial hair, and yellow eyes since he was playing an alien (after telling machi_neko about this, she concluded that Gaeta was cosplaying as "Baltar with liver failure/in about five years". Don't ask).

- I played with my Sims2 game yet again, just a little. Finally moved my Dracula and Van Helsing sims into Strangetown; Dracula, of course, began immediately seducing all three of the Bride sisters. So far he's gotten both Aleera and Marishka pregnant, the first with fraternal twins and the second with a baby girl, names of Mina, Vlad and Lucy, in order. Ha ha ha, I am so clever.
(Must...resist urge to...make Snape/Lily sims family...)

- I kind of want to make a vid for which I would have to re-listen to a song I haven't heard in about two years and also rewatch almost two entire seasons of the show. Is that bad?

- I have been so bad at keeping up with my fandoms this summer. Has anything good come from Lost lately, fanfic-wise? (the show may be going down the tubes, but its nice to see that the fangirls still got it goin' on)

- I kind of want to buy a Laura Croft action figure. Not because I've ever played the games or even really know anything about her, but rather because I AM AN AR-KAY-OLOGIST LOL.

Sometimes I wish that the future would never come. Not because I dread tomorrow, but just because I hate knowing that things have to end.

scrubs, real life, fandom, tv, personal appearance, vidding, actors, about me

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