So after spending the last two days doing some very in-depth browsing of the
BPAL website, I've decided that I'm going to buy myself a set of Imps' Ears*.
This is...probably a slightly bigger deal than you realize, since I just balanced my checkbook today and know therefore that this will most likely be the last thing I can afford to splurge on until I get a windfall (job, birthday money) of some kind.
Of course, this is also the same girl talking that bought a forty dollar cd player shaped like the Dead Man's Chest was a cd player shaped like the Dead Man's Chest (there's a heart inside, and it glows and pulses). My skillz wit da moneis iz pastede on yay.
Anyway, of course we now run into the problem of which are the six lucky scents from their OMGWTFhuge selection I want Imps of. After spending a lot of time bouncing back and forth through the site I wound up with a list of over twenty I was particularly interested in. With some more contemplation that list got cut down to three scents I knew I wanted for sure and eight other possibilities.
Well, I almost made it.
So, back to dredging the knowledge of the flist I go.
Here's the deal, guys: the three scents I know I want for sure are Cheshire Cat, Blood Kiss, and Undertow. I'm going to give you a list of the eight others currently vying for the final three, and if any of you know anything about a particular scent (you tried it, you liked it, you hated it, you know someone who swears by it, your neighbor's sister's best friend's cousin's co-worker's aunt had a violent allergic reaction, etc) I'd really appreciate you letting me know.
(And also, it's occured to me that this could practically be used as a psychological exercise, considering I noticed that I definitely gravitate more towards some scents than others on the sole basis of their names. Like, Ozymandias was on the possibilities list for a good while until I finally convinced myself that a scent that doesn't have any real ingredients given in the description is playing a risky game for a first try.)
The other eight:
Blood Countess
Danse Macabre
Death On A Pale Horse
The Ghost
La Belle Au Bois Dormant
*(And also, I hate all of you.)