Right now/she's probably sayin' "I'm drunk"/and he's thinkin' he's gonna get lucky

Mar 30, 2007 17:56

Well. Okay. I had to go aaaall the way up to "skip=400", and even then I think I might have missed some stuff, but I'm finally all caught up on my Friend's List.

I didn't really have much to say, mainly because most of the entries were over two weeks old by that point, which in interweb's time would be like if I chiseled in a response to some Neandertal's bathroom grafitti. But I caught up on the fic posts and left a few comments here and there.

I still need to see the PotC: AWE trailer. I really have nothing to say about this week's episode of Lost that hasn't already been said by all of you. Oh, and over break I bought the "Buffy: Season Eight" comic book, and well hot diggity damn.

This quarter I'm taking all lecture classes: an International Studies on China and Japan taught, so far, by a very enthusiastic Russian man, a course on the archaeology of Classical Greece taight by a somewhat dry but still interesting professor, and an Anthro course on Human Evolution that is taught by a TA I had before and didn't really like, but I think it was more the matierial of that last class than it was actually her.
Also, I have no classes on Fridays.

I gave The Boy a heads-up that we probably wouldn't be able to see each other that much this quarter because of the sheer amount of involvement I am going to be having with guild, and also because I will get all As and fix my GPA if it is the last godamned thing I do.

So, per his suggestion, we are now "on a break". I'm kind of sad, but it makes sense to me. I just don't have it in me to keep up a relationship right now.

My health is pretty okay, although my appetite is still all kinds of screwy and my throat has throbbity throb sore all week.
Also, I gave blood yesterday, and the tech that did me I guess wasn't as good as the other ones typically are, because my arm kills and has an icky big bruise.

Finally...Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats" has probably the dumbest lyrics of any song I've heard lately. And yet, every time it's come on the radio lately, I become magically compelled to sing along. Can anyone explain this to me?

guild, real life, classes, boys, music, fandom, about me

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