Aren't Weekends Supposed To Be Fun, Or Some Junk?

Feb 23, 2007 17:57

My god, I feel all kinds of unenthused right now.

There's going to be a lot of guild stuff going on for me this weekend, and clearly it's not that I dislike guild or anything, but I always find that whenever a lot of my time has been rigidly restricted by one thing or another, I tend to start phoning it on other stuff out of some borderline subconscious desire to relax or some such.

Which I cannot afford to do this weekend, because I need to study for another math exam on Wednesday.

And when I here say "study", I actually mean "learning this stuff that I probably would already know if I had actually gone to class, done the homework, or maybe even opened the damn book for once".
I am clearly failing right now, what with not doing any of the homework or quizzes and feeling sorely tempted to write "I am a fish" on the two exams thus far. My goal for this class has now become to not fail by the end of the quarter. This exam and the final...I think if I can pull Cs on both of those, I can do that. That's all I need at this point to keep me happy.

But when I'm not doing math this weekend, I will be doing the following:

Tonight: Pirates' meeting (which will be fun, if potentially tiring) at merodi_no_yami's place
Saturday: Early morning fabric run, then movie night at skylark913 and sinceralaine's place (again, fun, especially since I think we're watching more of The Tenth Kingdom...oh, don't look at me like that)
Sunday: Dance Guild, then general guild meeting, then garb workshop all the live long day, or as long as we can stand to anyway, and possibly a mini Fight Guild meeting in there somewhere

So I will probably be working super hard this weekend, and if not then shame on me. My parents aren't paying as much as they are so I could go to Columbus just to fail Calculus, and I should remember this.

If I really need to relax for about half an hour or so between practicing my swordwork and learning what a limit is, I'll probably be doing some more writing on that weirdass fantasy fic...thing.
Which, BTW, and I know this is a waste of time but I feel I have to ask anyway, because what is life but a series of questions fired into the dark in an attempt to make it a little brighter, but no one actually wants to read that thing, do they? Out of some sense of morbid curiosity or anything? Cus if so I'll post it, just because; it's not like I'm using the space for more meaningful stuff or any nonsense like that.

In other news, on the TV and/or computer front...I think my laptop has gone and minorly fubar'd itself up or something.
See, now whenever I try to download a zipped file, it always saves way too fast and then, when I try to open and/or unzip it, I get told that the file is "corrupt or invalid".
And have not the slightest idea as to how going about fixing this problem. Grrr!

And, TV show sit-rep recap time:

Heroes: Guys, I only have, like, two or three more episodes to watch until I'm up to date and can watch the new ones as they air! The last one I saw was "The Fix" (OMGWTF GEORGE TAKEI), and no doubt The Boy will be dragging me over there to finish up sometime next week. Ooh, I'm so excited.

Lost: Missed this week, but I hear it reeked. Again. I am so beyond frustrated at this point. I decided I didn't care about being spoiled and read the TWoP recap. And...before that point, I had downloaded the episode from somewhere so I could try to watch it this weekend, but after reading that recap? I deleted it. I don't think I'm missing anything, and I have much better things to do with my time. Unless any of you who did see it can give me a reason otherwise?

Psych: I think I've missed two weeks straight now, possibly three. I'm honestly not even sure. And I can't catch up via download either, as my usual source does all their ep-sharing via zipped files (see above computer problem). I miss my Friday funny. Siiigh.

Battlestar Galactica: Trying not to get too excited after the last two weeks (come on, you guys, TRY), but, I am still getting so pumped for Sunday night. And why is that then? Well, you see (foxxcub, you may want to see this)... it wrong that I am getting kind of turned on right now? Because I seriously am. Especially by that first one. UHN.

And that's all she wrote, folks.

lost, homework, computer woes, writing, real life, battlestar, studying, psych, frustrations, tv, grades, college, guild, friends, heroes

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