I just finished rewatching my season 2 DVDs today. My geek is totally showing.
I don't exactly have many "deep thoughts" on tonight's episode, just a bunch of superficial commentary. But hey, who do I look like, TWoP?
All in all, a good episode...not The Best Episode ever, by any means, but I give it a solid B+. This episode seemed to go really fast, which to me is usually the hallmark of a good episode.
House and his initial giddy enjoyment of mobility was awesome. I love when he gets away from Cameron by bolting off and then sliding on the floor. And the skateboard! Hee.
The House/Wilson dynamic is fun, as always. I love the whole seven levels of happiness "I'm not going away" thing. And the interplay with the Ducklings is great too...it figures that both Cameron and Foreman say "no", but Chase just can't do it. Ah, Chase.
Cameron's new hair looks weird to me. But it figures that House would mess with her with trying to ask her out, just to prove he was right about her only being attracted to him because he was "damaged".
And yeah, House is still House, even sans leg pain: "Relax, I'm not going to burn you...I'm going to stab you!"
It made me smile way too much that they were playing Gorillaz while he was jogging at the beginning.
Annnd he's back on the Vicodin. He just doesn't know how to be happy, I think.
Next week looks promising...alien abduction fun. Or, faux alien abduction, really. And of course, Paraplegic Guy is hardly out of the picture yet. Why do I have the feeling Cameron's going to make the situation much worse rather than better?
Now to kill half an hour before watching the premiere of Nip/Tuck!