Title: Couture
Rating: R (NC-17 overall)
Pairing: Chris/Zach
Word count: 6300 (this part)
Warning: Language, angst, Zach/OMC.
AN: I’m so sorry this part took longer than usual. It was ready to post but apparently my laptop was in a competition for the computer infected with the most viruses ever.
Summary: Zach is a fashion designer and Chris is a male
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Wow, I loved this - and I really have no idea why I am surprised, I know your talents and all, but still, WOW I LOVED IT!!
Zach moping and hurting and sad (and junk food OMG lol) was amazing, I was *sadface* all through that part! And Joe is just awesome! Big brotherly and worried and caring and he totally kicks ass, Mama Quinto, too, and maaaan the first meeting! And Zach all calm and collected but still so hurt and angry and sad, I loved it.
And then the party! I really liked how they talked to each other, you really get the feeling that they still lurrve each other but can't be together right now, too many problems and worries. And very nice conversation and light banter and (almost) no hard feelings/petty insults/whatever, very nice, like friends. I loved it!
Doesn't mean I'm not still rooting for them to get back together, but hey, after that conversation I'd settle for "just friends" too. Maybe. Hm. Or not. Well, maybe.
And all the little details (and awww Noah moping) and OMG I forgot James! He was amazing, too, I love him!!! So maybe Zach didn't take him home for quite the right reasons, but still, good that they met and yeah, someone to talk to will be very good for him.
I loved it! Update sooooon please!!! (also, nice ending to this chapter! Open but hopeful, really like that)
TL;DR: I loved it, moar now please!!!
But my comment's way more rambly, so there lol!
<3 you.
I loved it. Can't wait to see what's coming next!!! I really love that it's not just "meh okay so you broke my heart but I totally still love you so let's just forget it and have dirty sex in a closet", but very realistic and angsty and hopeful and nice and friendly. Problems are still problems and not easily forgotten!!! You rock bb!
Also, c'mere you sexy beast! *kissy face*
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