Sep 14, 2004 23:58
This past Saturday sure was that way. I worked as per usual then came back home for a bit. Chandler came over and we headed over to University Mall for a bit. After that we proceeded to head over to Davis Library to hang up a couple flyers for Chandler's dad. Unfortunately the goddamn library closes at 8pm on Saturday and we got there at maybe 7:45pm, so we didn't exactly have a lot of time to post flyers. So we do that and Lauren meets us there eventually and we mess around for a bit. Then we go to Cat's Cradle to park for the Franz Ferdinand show but all the goddamn parking is taken so we have to drive around a little to find free parking, which we finally find near Nice Price Books. As predicted by me, we got there too early and have to wait through almost an hour of either openers or set up time for FF. That was some wack ass bullshit. They finally come on a little after 10pm and they played for an hour. I was real impressed by how long of a set they did since they only have 1 album and I expected maybe 40 minutes tops. More to come about the show/evening in my next update.