Dumb 'R' Us

Nov 15, 2006 05:17

Alright people, time for a Demonic Sister rant, by yours truly... Me! Del. And seriously pissed off.

How many of you work with dumb people? Anyone? Show of hands? Well, if you don't, I do. And I work with probably with most of them in one single location.

And I though my old job was bad. I take it all back. I'd gladly go work at the movie theaters again. Just get me away from the morons. And let my mind rest at peace by not knowing of all the bad products their chocolaty little hands spat on.

Let me explain. I work at a factory. We build a common home appliance. My job is to randomly pull our product off the assembly line and test it and check and make sure all the nuts and bolts are there. Simple, right? I mean, I have a piece of paper that tells me what all goes on it. The same for them. And lately they've been good.

Well, not to long ago, one of the assembly lines was split up in between all the other departments, the other shift, and lines. This line had most of the experienced people. But nooooo, we still have some of the most major screw ups.

One day, my brain will implode.

Bits of Del brain all over the place.

Then maybe they can share more then one brain cell between all of them!

Ok, rant is done. But I'm still pissed.

Shit, Shel is going to be ticked off at me when she see's this...


P.S. Again, sorry for the language. At least I should be. But not really.

del rants

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