[Mouse Guard] Catch-up and Gaming as I like it...

Apr 08, 2011 10:22

As I missed last week's Mouse Guard session - which actually worked out okay as we had split as a group at the end of session 1 - Darryn ran a quick catch-up/prelude session for me alone last night.

I have to say it was one of the best Skype sessions I've been in so far. Why?Because it hit all the right notes for me gaming wise - plot, detail and mystery  all wrapped into one. Not that we actually used the MG system at any point, rather it was a quick descriptive session that was based on pure interaction between the GM (Darryn) and myself.

The basic premise was that while awaiting for the arrival to Sprucetuck of his patrol leader and companion (Cale and Rona), Matthais was approached by Maria - one of the mice his patrol had escorted to the town (and, of course, his enemy). She said that she was suspicious about one of the young Loremice that worked with, S. Of course Matthais had little time for the mouse, refusing to have anything to do with her suspicions (and thinking that they would be some sort of trap) and instead fretted about the whereabouts of his companion.

The next day, still concerned about Cale and Rona, he arranged to see Gurney, the other Lore Mouse he had helped escort, to see if he knew anything about the others delay in returning. While Gurney was at loss over Matthais fellow Guard Mice, he raised his own concerns over the failure of Maria to arrive at the Archive that day. Together they talked to Sloan, who was the last mouse to speak to her - the two had some budding romance it seemed and had gone to watch the sun set from the highest branches of the Spruce. He was equally distraught at the idea Maria hadn't arrived to his place of work, although Matthais' suspicions were raised when he recalled Maria request the previous day - Sloan had been seen talking to a rather disreputable merchant in the market and she had wanted Matthais to examine his home while the two of them 'stepped out'.

While a little concerned for Maria, and more than hoping she had done herself some ill, Matthais visited her home in one of the other branches. Here a neighbour said that she had not heard or seen anyone there the previous night. His interest piqued and with little to do until his companions arrived (or other Patrol Mice came to town allowing him to investigate), Matthais decided to take a look at the merchant; he Matthais Instinct to 'Hold the Line' kicked in, as it does often during the adventure - he'll fight for what is right, but he won't rush in!

Obviously a traveller, the merchant - Falker - sold, Matthais was told, only junk and knickknacks, had had few customers. He had been in town only a month, but was a known wanderer. Talking to Falker, having removed his Mouse Guard cloak, Matthais became aware that the merchant was prompting him, as if looking for some sort of specific response or code. Unable to provide it, the young Mouse moved on, watching the merchant's table from a distance. And he didn't need to wait too long, another mouse soon approached Falker, and very quickly the two of them had moved off to a chamber obviously used for storage. Matthais strained to overhear their conversation, catching only a few words about the 'difficulty Falker had in getting the items the other mouse wanted' and 'hagging over price'. This second mouse then soon left, carrying with him a large leaf wrapped package.

Ever so suspicious now, and slightly curious as to what exactly was going on, Mattais followed this new lead. The young mouse, a baker as he turned out  to be, dropped the package in an empty house before going to this place of labour. Matthais entered this house and discovered that the package was full of finely crafted tools, slightly larger and more precise than simple Mouse tools (except maybe for Matthais families own, of course!). Taking a hammer, he returned to see Gurney, only to be told that the Lore Mouse could not be disturbed, but a message would be passed on.

Obviously Maria's concerns had some grounding, and it seemed as if Sloan was indeed tied up with something odd and prehaps dangerous to mousedom. Before another check of the gate - no the other Mice had no yet arrived - Matthais revisited Maria's home. Here he found Constable Mice, who told him that the alert had been raised about Maria's disappearance, and Maria hadn't been home that night.

With few other leads, Matthais decided it was time tro look in on Sloan home. Interestingly he discovered that it was situated in the lower part of the tree, which traditionally is an area for the poorer mouse families and definitely not a place a reputable Lore Mouse would normally be found; all the more worrying. The house itself, was large and very, very tidy (although both Maria & Gurney had noted how fastidious Sloan was), and after even after finding a spare key, Matthais could find little in the way of clues (to anything - the house was just that tidy) except for an odd peice of metal). The only other place of interest seemed to be a shed or small workshop situated at the back of Sloan's property, which was secured by a large and fine lock.

Determined to learn more, Matthais waited for Sloan to return home, where he watched him - from a safe distance - go to his workshop (the key to which Sloan kept around his neck). Waiting until the Lore Mouse had had time time start whatever he was doing, Matthais then approached the shed and knocked. Sloan replied saying he would just finish up before coming out to see the young Patrol mouse. Matthais took his opportunity at this and opened the shed door, seeing Sloan working on some concoction (Sloan being one of the mice responsible for the Scent Border), as well as numerous other chemistry and science things that are beyond Matthais. One thing he did notice however, was that Sloan was working out of a book.

Sloan, finished his tidying, and the two retired back to the house proper for a light supper. They spoke cordially for a while about life, Maria and Lockhaven, and Matthais learnt that Sloan had put the Constabulary on to Maria's disappearance. Thanking his host for a fine evening, Matthais turned to leave, noting that one of the books from Sloan's bookshelf was missing (and he was sure it had ben there earlier). More over it was a book beginning with an 'F' - Sloan's alphabetised system giving that away - although it actual title alluded Matthais, as he had failed to note what exact books the Lore Mouse owned earlier (look, Matthais is a pathfinding mouse, suited more to the outdoors than books and study, okay!).

Returning to his rooms at the Field Mouse's Arms, the guard mouse was confused as to what exactly was going on and what, if anything he could do about it (especially alone). Here, Matthais was pleasantly surprised to find Gurney by the fire place in the common room (asleep mind you, he had obviously been waiting awhile!). Inviting the  Lore Mouse to his room, Matthais revealled his suspicious, and asked Gurney to look at both the Hammer and the peice of metal he'd found at Sloan's. As for the metal, Gurney was at a loss, but the Hammer made him think of stories from the Winter War with the Weasels. Back then, rumours had arisen that the weasls had been kidnapping mice and setting them to work. The Hammer could be a tool from such a workshiop, although this was just speculation on the Lore Mouse part.

Gurney then said his goodnights, warning Matthais that the mice of Sprucetuck looked with honour and respect on thier Lore Mice (especially those tasked with making the scent for the Scent Border), and that no accusation should be made unless there was irrefutable evidence. The Mouse Guard of Lockhaven, in Sprucetuck's eye where an 'unfortunate necessity', and held little sway in this community.

Thankful for Gurney's advise, and no more concerned than ever about what to do, Matthais took one last trip to the gates that evening. There he waited, weighing up his options. Was he to act, or wait? Attempt to find his companions or look to forge a path back to Lockhaven? Then, just as Matthais turned to return to his lodgings he spied two forlorn and bedraggled mice in the darkness... could it be? Was it?

Indeed, Cale and Rona had returned. But what tales did they have to tell?

Man, I'm looking forward to next session. Darryn created a great mystery here and there is obviously a lot more going on that meets the eye. All I can say is - hurry up next Thursday!

skype, mouse guard

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