[Personal RPG Project] Solutions to the questions

Apr 05, 2011 10:19

While doing other things over the weekend, I think I've struck on a workable solution to the questions I raised earlier about my The Otherlings setting for Mini Six (much of which I owe to Mash, Luke and Dale for helping guide me to think about the game from outside my original approach). I'm posting my ideas here, and again am happy to hear any feedback you might have.

Game Focus
The core focus of the game is action/combat set in a world of conspiracy and horror. I am creating a game framework to go with the setting that will streamline the out of action sequences (i.e. the set up and investigation), so the play can get straight into the action. I think this suits a game using the Mini Six rules, as they are mainly action focused, and from a personal point of view, will eliminate some of the need to delve too far into the psychological aspects of kids with super powers (which, while I admit would work pretty well as a game itself, isn't the goal of this project).

Talents have always been the biggest issue I've had. At its heart I've had in mind a set of core abilities, that need focus and concentration to activate (something pretty easy to do with the use of the Free Dice mechanic I've written). However, this approach did limit different and individuality amongst the characters. Now however, following the suggestions of Mash and Luke, I am developing an approach where while all Otherlings have core powers, other  more specialist manifestations of these talents are individualised.

For example all Otherlings will have access to the talents of Deflect (increasing their defence), Reactions (acting multiple times in a round), Healing (repairing ones own body), and Focus (temporarily increasing one's skills), but they will also be able to select a number of other talents (how many is to be decided) from a larger list. This would include things like, telekinesis, strike (attacking with some sort of elemental or physical power), manifestation (create illusions), etc.  I'm yet to start on this list, but I want these individual talents to be quite generic in effect (allowing the players to personalise them in description).

Skills & Perks
On reflection, and with the new approach to Talents in mind, I have updated the way Skills are assigned in character creation. Rather than assigning a number of 'dice' to increase skills above base Attribute levels, and purchase perks, the player selects 5 skills to give a +2 and has 2 perk points to spend. This, I think, better reflects the skills and 'advantages' a 16 year might have when striking out on their own...

mechanics, mini six, concept, rpg design, my rpgs, otherlings

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