Hey! I'm writing this as a way to collect my various ideas and perceptions about Kapcon and was I think could be done to improve them... this isn't an attack in any way but rather a way to solicate feedback before I take them to the organising committee (whoever that might be).
The Future of the Con
Man it was great to see the increase in numbers, and the increased diversity in what is being offered. The Con has numerous 'streams' of play - from Harncon (be interested in how they found 'sharing' the con) through to an increased number (at least from my point of view) of dedicated boardgamers. Of course, this brings with it its own challenges.
- I've mentioned this previously, but with so many streams, the con has to make a decision as to whether its sees itself either encouraging 'cross-pollinisation of games' or support the individual 'cons' within the cons. There are a number of things the con could do to achieve the former, from allocating discounts to people that involve themselves in multiple streams through to the extreme of forcing enrollments to be made up for various streams of play, etc. While if it wants to do the later, then the organisers of the inidividual streams should be encouraged to increase their admin responsibilities (from say getting their own prize support and nominating their own winners, through to offering up members to do general admin tasks (i.e. a stint on the desk). Of course, this needs to be discussed as a larger group, but may soon become pressing.
- Don't you love the location of the con? I mean the Highschool is almost prefect, large rooms, a central location (not too far from town or in my case hotels), and roomy common room areas. This year it was fantastic to have the 'bag room' and the removal of the seats in the 'main room' helped a lot (it even encouraged people to sit down during prize giving!). However, how much more can the location hold without compromising comfort? I wonder if it might not be a good opportunity to look at other options, either off-site (unlikely as where else could one go?) or onsite (is there another wing to the 'bunker' we use?). I for one would hate to see more games being put together in rooms (as although there is the physical space, the dynamics of two different games can ruin both if they have to share the same location'). The increase in LARPs (of which I think there was one in every session?) also would benefit from more space.
Improving the Con
This was my first year as an Admin at the con (something I really enjoyed and will look to step-up next year), and I'm sort of in awe of the way Nick organised things (in spite of all the pitfalls that were thrown in his way!). In my logical, organisational type of way (hell I work as a organisational BA and am aiming to be an EA in my advancing years), I think a number of things could be done to improve the way in which various tasks/functions are undertaken at the con. Please Note - these are just 'throw away' ideas that struck me on the day!
- Moving some functions away from the main desk. I don't know how many times I had to deal with room assignments, cafe purchases and pizza orders all in the same breath. If the cafe (and pizza orders) could be moved away from the main desk then this would free up admin staff to deal with lost missing players, unallocated games, etc.) This would increase the need for admin staff however.
- A Map! Boy we missed one of these this year. A simple layout on every level would help a lot.
- Better way of presenting the games and sessions. I got lots of comments on these (ability to find games and the sessions they are offered). I still think a booklet would be a better way of going, although there would be the 'late' offering issues. Some more computerised way of presenting the stuff might work (give them access to a website/database where everything is maintained?). Of course will the increase of technology in general (smart phones/ipads) this becomes more & more practical.
- Announcing selections. I think we could txt people's assigned games to them, announcing what they are in, the room & GM.
- Getting what you want. I also spoke to a couple of people who didn't get any of there first choices the entire con. Some sort of database would improve this, and would allow use to record who is who (i.e. is it Mash or Alasdair?... And I don't think I even know Giffy's real name - Rachel???) .
- And don't even get me started about the website. Earlier last year I was going throw up a couple of the site for people (on my own server). A long term solution is needed for this. Either an investiment in a long term solution (buy some real server space), or leverage off of those you have offered in the past.
- A Printer - I'm definitely donating my laser printer next year. I like the multifunction centre, but boy is it slow at printing :P
Of course I have lots of other ideas... some of which I'll look at implementing for Fright Night. So what do you think? I'm I barking up the wrong tree here, or am I not going far enough? Comments encouraged!