Mar 19, 2009 09:08
so much going on, so order of no specifics my life this last 30 days
1. got call from sisters, dad was in hospital. Father has necropathy and lost a part of his foot due to diabetes and sores that would not heal for over 3 years...lesson here: take care of your body or it will fail you. Dad is doing better, staying off both feet and being fed with anti-biotics at home with nurse.
2. sister called me last night, she is divorcing her husband. While i am glad she came to the decision to do this, it will be hard for her, she loves him. She finally realized one sided love hurts and it always ends. I tried to be the big sister voice of reason and not sway her in what I thought was best, although in the end i think my non censor self did just that.
3. Work, Work, I have been busting ASS at work. ALl the projects I am working on are opening and closing in a proper PM style. I am proud of myself. My weakness in life has always been wanting to do everything, starting it and then letting it just fade like time in a windstorm.....What am i working on you ask, well glad you asked...I am working on:
-Search engine Releases and Keyword Updates for all things Google
-Launching my Project for alternative lifestyles
-Launching the new and improved website
-Finalizing the new website for April 1 release
-Trademarked all logos and text for companies
-SAS70 audit process....half way complete
-patenting Proteus accounting business software...GOODBYE Intuit! ;) unless you want to buy us of course :) then hello mommy!
4. Working on my anger management and trying to become a better mommy. I feel like I don't spend enough time on myself and my kids that I am trying to rectify that.
5. Falling in love with husband ALL over again, this happens daily but i thought I should put it in here!
6. Laying down the addiction to WoW and all things powerful and only play sporadically at best...
7. I WILL I WILL get in contact on all those projects i let fall through my finger tips to fix, finish and wax them up for release!!
I love you all, truly i do...We should really have coffee sometime :)