Dawne's pet projects......

Mar 18, 2009 08:33

So many of you know that when i get passionate about something I tend to over think it until it becomes an obession and the obession becomes reality.

About 9 years ago I started an adult project called adultunderground.net that was going to cater to the hosting needs of those who live the "fetish" life. So many complaints I heard about these so called adult site hosting companies inadvertly shutting down or not taking calls just seemed bogus to me. Here they are charging an arm and a leg for budget bandwidth and then they just go away.

So anyway, I noticed this morning that Darenzia's site was down, this got me thinking about those who rely on thier sites to book shoots, sell goods and otherwise are thier product in a fetish lifestyle who cannot get a break with hosting.

Well, I am opening my baby to the public today and going life with www.adultunderground.net a site that will cater to the hosting (shared, dedicated and co-location) of those who live and need a web host who is reliable and dedicated to keeping thier site up, so they can ultimately make money!

Why am I posting this here, well I figured what is the best way to announce this then to my friends who some live this way or know or have friends who need my services and can vouch that I am a business of 13 years strong and growing still that may be able to let thier friends/collegues know.

If you know of anyone and they need my service in this area, send them my way and I will do even better. The first 10 will get the very special "RED" Iphone as a thank you after a full month of thier service!!!!

Why red, well check our my site, it is pretty awesome in the design and well, red is a pretty fetish color! So, let me know...if you, your friends or thier friends need help in this area, I will and can take care of them.

Afterall, I understand the life as a woman and as a business owner!

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