Is it really 15 years since X-Files premièred? I don't remember it, but then I was never an X-Files girl.
Also, I tried to find slash for The Three Musketeers, but it's all Athos/D'Artagnan. Why does nobody love D'Artagnan/Aramis? It's hard being a rarepair shipper in a rare fandom :(
Tonight, I watched Amazing Grace for the second time this week. And it's a brilliant film, as I have stated beforeAnd I cannot find any slash for it
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So, I am absolutely adoring boostle at the moment. Which is a little odd, admittedly, as one of the characters already died before I even found out about the ship's existence. Still, comic scans make everything better.
Because it is wrong and a terrible invasion of privacy, and despite the fact that my very twisted friends want me to write it about *them*, I absolutely will not
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