The Mouse Saga - part the third

Nov 16, 2008 11:44

The night after I stopped sleeping in my room and took over Harding's room (because he is in Neath), my housemate Jenny woke to squeaking in her bedroom and moved onto the sofa. We think this is because she unfortunately left the door to my room open while she was changing the thermostat. Or, at least, we hope that's the reason.

Anyway, she's now staying in Harding's room and I've been crashing at Huw's. We've upped the ante by purchasing six more traps and setting two in my room, three in Jen's room and one in the junk room.

On Saturday, I discovered that the bastard mouse had managed to steal the chocolate off one of the traps in my room without setting it off. Not cool, people.

And then yesterday evening, the boyfriend goes to Weymouth and leaves me his room key, but when I get to his house, all his housemates are out so I can't get through the front door. Lame. I return to my house and, in case Harding's coming back, look for my sleeping bag in the junk room.

Where I find a dead mouse.

Good - the traps work and we caught one
Bad - they're not limited to the bedrooms with the shut doors.

After much flailing and screaming, I manage to take the mouse out of the trap and dispose of it, before resetting the thing and putting it back in the junk room, now with the door closed. However, my mind's now racing with thoughts that the furry gits could be anywhere in the house and when I try to sleep in Harding's room, I'm convinced I can hear scrabbling and get about three hours sleep. BOO!

To add insult to injury, I wake up this morning to find that the boyfriend's too hungover to get back for lunch with my family and we've run out of power.

It can only get better from here.

rl, mouse

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