The Mouse Saga - part deux

Nov 11, 2008 22:55

When we last left this tale, there were two traps in my room tempting the small rodent with Twix. I stayed the night with the boyfriend and when I returned, the traps were still set. Huh.

Last night, I thought what-the-hey, I can sleep in that room, no problem, what can the mouse do to me?

I slept poorly because I was freaked and then at 1am, I heard rustling. I wanted to just ignore it, but then I realised it was coming from the door. Where, in fact, I had hung up my bag of chocolate. Terrified, I shone my phone on the bad and it stopped moving. I lowered the phone and it starts again.

I had no idea what to do. I couldn't leave, because it was on the door! So I texted Jenny and she opened the door, turned on the light and hit the bag with a pole. And this little brown thing shoots out and vanishes. It apparently lodged in my ball dress, where Jenny hit it again, and then it flew across the room to frack-knows-where.

The little bastard thing CLIMBED THE DOOR to get to the good chocolate! Snob.

Anyway, I then went and stayed in Jen's room for the rest of the night and I'm sleeping in Harding's room, because he's away.

The chocolate in the traps has been upgraded to Divine - let's hope it chokes on it.


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