
Nov 09, 2008 11:43

I'm not usually a wuss, honest.

However, when I was younger, we left the bathroom window open and a cat got in. As many of you know, I am not the tidiest person in the world and my room was a complete tip at the time. I was just going to sleep when I saw something scurry across the floor and under my bed.

I freaked out and called for my parents, who were convinced I'd hallucinated the whole thing. However, when my dad lifted the bed, this rat jumped out. They took everything out of my room and couldn't find it, so I went to bed and in the morning, it had been trapped and was gone.

So, when I woke up this morning (at eight!) to the sound of scurrying, I freaked out. I tried to persuade myself it was the birds outside and then I sat up to locate the sound and saw the shopping bag drop.

I calmed myself down but couldn't persuade myself to look in the bag. The noises stopped, so I convinced myself I was hallucinating and tried to go back to sleep. Adrenaline is not, however, conducive to sleep, so I got up at about nine and started my day.

I just told my housemate about this and we went upstairs to poke around with the broom. And my chocolate stash has been chewed.

There is a small rodent in my bedroom. Not Happy.


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