Hmm...why are they moving Torchwood?

Mar 13, 2008 18:30

From Torchwood.TV:

"Torchwood's 25th episode, "Fragments", will air Friday 28th March instead of the usual Wednesday night slot that we've been use to up to this point. Next week we have two episodes airing on BBC Two - Wednesday brings "Something Borrowed", and on Friday something comes "From Out of the Rain". Thereafter new episodes will premiere on BBC Two Friday nights."

Huh. I had no idea. It does make sense - I think everyone should wait for the finale together, but I didn't know how they were going to do it. Clearly, by airing two episodes on BBC2 in one week and then switching nights (which means those of us on BBC3 still get a new episode every week as the BBC2 folks are brought up to speed).

Upside: Friday night is a great slot!
Flipside: People are going to lose it because of the time change *reminds self to tell mother what's going on*

torchwood, tv

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