LJ Policy Released - Prepare for Dramah!

Mar 08, 2008 11:11

I flicked through the LJ policy, looking for sources of fannish interest. I believe these two tenets will affect the fandom most:

Inappropriate Content
Last updated: March 6th, 2008

A user has posted content which incites, encourages, or advocates rape, pedophilia, or the abuse of children in any way.

All accounts belonging to the user who posted the material will be terminated

This policy exists due to the extremely harmful nature of the activities in question, and we do not want users who incite, encourage, or advocate any of these activities present on LiveJournal.

[Please note tht I do not incite, encourage or advocate rape, pedophilia or the abuse of children. However - you know that any fictional work depicting these things will count as 'advocation'.]

Non-Photographic images of minors
Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Non-photographic images (cartoons, drawings, etc.) of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct are present on LiveJournal.

Users who have posted non-photographic images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct will be required to remove the material, following the Standard Compliance Timeline.

We are not making any determination on the legality of non-photographic images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This is simply a type of content LiveJournal has decided not to host.

LiveJournal attempts to grant users the ability to express themselves in as many ways as possible. In the case of this content, however, LiveJournal has chosen not to host it due to its highly controversial nature

[Here is where it all goes wrong. So long, Teen Titans! So long, Harry Potter! Oh, I don't really know what to say here. I see their point. I also see fandom's issues. This is going to go badly]

fandom, lj

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