2007 Writing Meme (hah!)

Dec 26, 2007 16:11

Well, this should be a joke! 2007 - the year I stopped writing in theory, way back in...July? Let's play, shall we?

Total list of stories written this year:

Twilight of Rest - Torchwood: Jack/Ianto "Season 2" h/c fic
Hope - Torchwood: Ianto "Season 2" fic
Iconoclast - DC: Booster/Beetle h/c fic
True Heroes - DC: Sequel to Iconoclast
21st Century Charm - DC: Booster/Beetle h/c fic
Bloom - DC: Booster/Beetle h/c fic
Demons for the Dying - DC: Sequel to Bloom
Pollen, Small Spaces, No Father - DC: Bruce/Dick drabbles
Loaded, Coffee Black, Persuasive Arguments - DC: more Bruce/Dick drabbles
Crawl, Perfect Rescue, Keeping up appearances - DC: even more Bruce/Dick drabbles
Revenge is a kiss - DC: angsty Bruce/Dick AU
Drifting between - DC: Bruce/Dick h/c fic
A letter - something Bruce/Dick I clearly did not write
Guerrilla Fic - something Bruce/Dick for ladybugkay

Overall Thoughts:

About twenty. I really didn't think it was that many, tbh. I thought I'd been sporadic at best this year, even at the beginning. But then I was mad about Torchwood in January (which I will soon be asquee over again!) and then DC swallowed me whole. Then, of course, I got out. What can you say really?

My best story of this year:

That's really difficult to judge. 'Twilight of Rest' had a lot of praise and I thought the handling of the whole Jack/Ianto issue in Season 2 was quite steady. Also, 'Drifting between', the first WIP I've posted for *years*, was astonishingly well-received, considering I wrote it on impulse for a request, was writing to parts and not the story and quit fandom halfway through. I'm going to say...'Drifting between', but only just.

My favourite story of this year:

Huh. Torn between 'Twilight of Rest', 'Drifting between' and 'Revenge is a kiss'. I'll say 'Twilight of Rest' because it has to win something. ;) The angsty hurt/comfort, almost-loss, complete-denial, sick sick Ianto and the ending (which is, completely bizarrely, about to turn up in canon!) make me all warm inside.

Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

Easily 'Revenge is a kiss'. I poured my soul into that fic. I was so in love with the concept (still am, actually) and I got coppercowries and skitty_kat to draw the most beautiful art for it, and it received, what? A couple of vaguely-positive comments. *shakes head* That was really disappointing, for me and the artists. I felt so bad.

Most fun story to write:

'21st Century Charm' is a fun fic and I wrote it in a whirl of Booster/Beetle sap. However, the writing/feedback/posting glee of 'A letter' and 'Guerrilla fic' (not that either actually exist, you understand) was so much fun.

Story with the single sexiest moment:

Extremely difficult, as I don't write sex scenes.
Contenders: Robin wrapping his leg round the cage in 'Pollen' or
Bruce and Mary's kiss in the hallway from 'Revenge is a kiss'

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:

Easy - 'Revenge is a kiss', again. I don't write Darkfic. I especially do not write Darkfic AUs with a completely messed-up Dick Grayson who is cross-dressing in order to seduce and then murder Bruce Wayne.
It was a whole barrel of wrong and I loved every minute of it.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:

'Twilight of Rest' made me think about Jack's attitude to love and lovers and allowed me to context his feelings for the Doctor. All my Booster/Beetle fic made me take them seriously as characters, instead of just comedic gold. 'Drifting between' helped me gather Dick and Tim's relationship together. And 'Revenge is a kiss' is just a whole barrel of 'what if' that should never have been opened.

Hardest story to write:

The end of 'Twilight of Rest' was difficult, as I started to lose Jack's voice. 'Revenge is a kiss' was complicated because I had to work out how Dick had achieved everything and what exactly had gone so wrong in the AU. 'Drifting between' was hard because of the constant need to write parts and not mess up my own continuity (which I did at least twice :s).

Biggest Disappointment:

Yesterday - finding two fics I'd forgotten that I started and will now never finish. There's a Torchwood Jack/Ianto piece set in a fictional Season 2, which would've been angsty and epic, and the sequel to 'Revenge is a kiss', which would've led to a third story and a blinding AU verse of my very own. Ah well.

Biggest Surprise:

Finding myself writing a canonically gay relationship (thank you, RTD!) Conjuring up a seriously dark AU. Quitting, if I'm honest.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:

'Loaded' summarises my feelings about living away from home somewhat unintentionally. Some of Alfred's thoughts in 'Drifting between' work for my reactions to my more...high maintenance relationships.

And that's your lot, folks!

meme: fic, fic

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