Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned

Dec 25, 2007 20:09

Well, that was depressing, wasn't it?

Huw summed up the message of that episode thusly: "Be fat and die; be selifsh and live; have money and be happy"

Unfortunately, I can't really disagree.

Why did Kylie have to die? Not once but twice? I get the whole Doctor/Rose OTP thing (and I love them) but a) why does everyone have to fall for the Doctor? and b) why do they then leave?

That said, I could get behind Kylie as a companion. I really really could. She would've been awesome. Or, at least, a quick fling. The Doctor needs a quick fling. Just not with Martha. Or Jack. *le sigh*

Right, the fun parts: NEW TRAILERS!

DW: OOD!!! They're back! I love them! We need more Ood! I saw Romans. I like Romans. I saw Catherine Tate. I do not like Catherine Tate. Will Ood and Romans be enough to get me through the season? Possibly, with Rose too.

TW: Aieee! I definitely saw Ianto huddled on the ground in the rain. The fact that I'm pleased about this says a lot about me. I also saw moments where Ianto looked like he was about to endure some kind of dangeous situation. This also pleases me.

I am a sick woman.

What annoys me: WHY IS THERE NO DATE FOR TORCHWOOD?! How can you not know your schedule for January?! Grrr.

That is all. Back to Christmas...

ETA:Oh! And James! Much love for James!

torchwood, doctor who

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