General stuff plus Battlestar Galactica

Mar 22, 2007 20:28

Well, conjunkie was down over the weekend and it was brilliant, though I got us lost quite a few times and we almost froze trying to find the right frackin' columns!

Now I'm quite ill again, probably a flare-up of EBV (and I was doing so well *sigh*), so we'll see how long that takes to get over.

Anyways, I've been at home, reading loads of slash for a new pairing - even writing fic for them! - and trying to make a music video, but it's been no picnic, as I've now gone off both cheese and mayonnaise.

Right - BSG! BSG! This was the episode that marzie_pan told me was "kinda Kara/Lee". Well, she wasn't joking!

This episode? Was brilliant. And necessary. I admit that I love Kara/Lee as a ship, but they could never have a healthy relationship. The interaction here shows that perfectly, whilst giving us a great explanation of why they've been so off with each other and who knows what could happen next?

It's Anders I feel most sorry for in all this. I'm not a Dee fan, particularly not after she was sharing Lee's bunk right after Billy died, but Anders is clueless in all of this and had been through enough, to be perfectly honest.

But Kara and Lee had sex in "Kara's cabin" whilst drunk and then shouted to the world that they loved each other. When Kara woke up, she ran off to Anders and immediately got married! When Lee found out...just, wow, Jamie Bamber's acting is always brilliant but he blew me away in that scene without any words at all.

And then them killing each other in the dance, before finally just holding each other and admitting they miss each other. Seriously, I don't know how to deal with these canon ships - I have no desire to go anywhere near the fandom, because the show's just churning it all out.

Happy now

bsg, ebv, sick

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