Sock Monkey

Jan 22, 2010 23:51

I made my sock monkey pretty today. My fingertips are still kinda blue even after the shower. Just so you know, he used to be like.. brown and white ish where he's now purple and white-ish where he's blue. His eyes used to be orange, but I made them pink. Sharpie is intoxicating in such high doses. It was a good time. I need a name for muh monkeh now. I'll think more on it and call him something random later. Also, cousin visits tomorrow and prolly stayin through the weekend. I plan to get my ass kicked by him in blazblue among other things. I suck at fighting games. He is apparently quite good at it. So, I get slaughtered. Still, at least it's something to do thats fun .. I think. -ponder-

Anyways, I think that be all. Other than Steve being sickly like the last few days. No Steve for like.. idunno.. a week? feels like it. Frustrating. He needs to get healthy nao. Doctors need to stop being fail businessmen and do their jobs.
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