On a .hack frenzy. I want to buy all the games. Yes. All of them. Except the one really out of order .hack GU Vol.3 I bought thinking it didn't matter that I only ever really watched .hack//SIGN. Yeah, joke was on me. LAWL. Is it possible to buy all these games WITHOUT breaking my wallet? I know I could likely get them used somewhere, but I just know that any of my games, that old, are fucked. So I dunno about getting someone else's that's likely the same. I seen all of them on amazon but OMG MONEY. It's like $200 ish just for the first 3 (I'm not just talking about GU, but the original .hack's with Kite and such)
Maybe I should just focus on the manga..but hell I don't even know if that's all out yet, where to find it, or what have you. What a fail fan I am. Still, I really do love the series. I guess it's like Persona. I love it, but can't find the shit for the life of me around here..and I'm kind of a pussy when it comes to finding stuff on the net to buy. I feel bad making the UPS guy get attacked by hairless dogs. I'm sure he thinks they have diseases. Esp. with the way he tries to drop the box off on the porch and run off before I can open the door. He rarely succeeds because of my long driveway and my hairelss dogs excellent guard-dog ears. Also, I would feel obligated to give him a cookie/brownie since he makes sure to mention that 'one day' (almost a year or two ago really) that we gave him cupcakes or a cake or something. And the cookies/brownies right now are all low fat shit that he might not like as much (And that I want to hog all to myself. They're actually quite good)
But yah..anyway. DOThack. Do want. Manga. Anime. Games. I need to complete my anime series of it that I started on and didn't finish (sign is the only one complete). The only game I have is the one mentioned. I rented the first AGES ago. As for manga, I have like... the first two of the one with Shugo and Rena. key of the twilight or something? -shrug- Must fix this.
btw. . . About to come up to one of my favorite parts of Persona 4. Kanji's very happy dungeon. Believe me. It is so happy. Yes.. that was reason for that terrifying image up thar. :X best cosplay ever -gigglefit-