Writing, Gunnerkrigg, shipswap

May 15, 2012 21:06

Wonderful: When people are really glad to see the next part of your ongoing fic. Phew, also thank you deeply.

Problematic: Shit!!! You like the developing plot? There isn't one! They're going to talk and gaze lustfully upon each other for the rest of the story. There's a hug, I mean it's a helluva clinch, but plot(There's never a plot. My fics are ( Read more... )

bakurae, the queen's thief, recs, gunnerkrigg court, yu-gi-oh!

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demoerin May 22 2012, 18:29:23 UTC
1. The ongoing fic is homestuck and is probably completely incoherent without knowledge of canon. It's about the adoration of an axe murderer clown for teenaged Napoleon-cum-Jesus, where they're supposed to tenderly face-touch each other until their savage souls are soothed. Not kidding, that's literally it.

2. You don't want to know about my Avengers feelings. There are many. They wouldn't have fit in a comment so here is a post. eep. just skim until you see a "Loki".

here I'll say that I don't think I'm writing fic ... except that I have a terrible urge to visit a kink meme and if a prompt catches my eye, all will be lost. I feel underequipped to write for this fandom - I hardly know anything about the comics, and movie fandoms always feel like there's too little to go off (probably a side effect of "200+ chapter manga" fandoms). But if I see the right prompt...

Recs are always welcome. :D Though don't feel compelled, as the rec journal tomomichi has started posting links for Loki/Thor stuff, and as aforementioned I've raided your tumblr, and oh yeah I need to feelings explode on your Snow White-style Thor/Loki fic (his favourite lie is that they're brotheeeeeeeeeeers). When you get someone called Sout crying all over your comments, that's me.

3. Main impression of Conspiracy of Kings: SOPHOS you are hilarious! I hope Eddis spent the first half of the book laughing her ass off at him. He keeps being all 'oh but I'm useless' as he pulls off these James 'Doe-eyed' Bond moves that render hardened slave traders in respectful awe.

I also remember being overwhelmed with awful shipper feelings ... hm, on three occasions: Attolia getting offended at Gen implying he could take her out with only two knives and Gen laughing about this (worst best pairing), Eddis being shocked and astounded by how much she misses the adoring puppy love of Sophos (so cute), and for friend-shipping, Attolia holding Eddis's hand throughout this revelation (all I ever wanted).

But ... why no Costis. :( Also half the politics stuff was lost on me. That whole thing where there's some manner of political problem with Eddis and Sophos getting married and Gen having to give permission? No idea what that's about. I need to reread and pay more attention. The showdown in the ampitheatre was still great though.


thelovemafia May 24 2012, 15:16:20 UTC
1. Link me your fic? :) I would love to read more of your writing.

where they're supposed to tenderly face-touch each other until their savage souls are soothed

2. eep. just skim until you see a "Loki".
you know me so well.


I feel underequipped to write for this fandom - I hardly know anything about the comics, and movie fandoms always feel like there's too little to go off (probably a side effect of "200+ chapter manga" fandoms). But if I see the right prompt...
I know exactly what you mean. I'm the same, really: I know very little about the comics except certain sections in which I have a vested interest. Like - the current Thor series involves a Loki reborn as a 13-year-old street kid in Paris (then brought back to Asgard and some of his memories restored). A quick summary of Serrure canon is here if you want it.

I'm not very fond of classic comic!Loki - he's very much more textbook EVIL!EVIL!!!!1111 VILLAIN there, IMHO, and I have no interest in that. So comic ,DO WRITE, THOUGH? :) You really only need movie canon, I think.

Oh you are a darling! I had no idea you'd gone and taken a look at my story, I feel extremely flattered. ♥ Feel free to cry all over the comments.

Sout? :) How'd you pick that one, out of curiosity? (Like Slippy? :) )

Thanks for the heads-up re. tomomichi, I do so love her comments and her descriptions of the stories/art. :)

3. NOW I NEED TO REREAD CONSPIRACY OF KINGS, TOO. I don't get how Turner can get me to fall in love with every single one of her POV characters.

He keeps being all 'oh but I'm useless' as he pulls off these James 'Doe-eyed' Bond moves that render hardened slave traders in respectful awe.


demoerin May 24 2012, 22:48:39 UTC
"Bunny" is an EXCELLENT name for Sophos. He is entirely too cute.

the current Thor series involves a Loki reborn as a 13-year-old street kid in Paris (then brought back to Asgard and some of his memories restored)
Ooh! I knew about kid Loki, but I didn't realise he was ever a street-kid bit. Lemme check that out.

You are right about needing only movie canon, especially as that's what lots of other people are working with, but I think it will require a slight perspective shift. But I really can't resist the urge to go poking round for some Avengers prompts, so...

Sout is "salt" in Afrikaans. when i picked the name I was going through a period of slight fascination with salt - all the superstitions about it, how valuable it used to be. And I think there was a thing where it was dishonorable to hurt someone who shared salted food with you, so it has vibes of being a friendly name. Admittedly mostly if you're from like the 11th century.

Re: fic: seriously hon, I don't think this holds up well without canon ... /hides face /)_(\ But here it is: http://homesmut.livejournal.com/8284.html?thread=11401564#t11401564

The prompt is "I love a storyline where a character gets kidnapped/taken away for some reason and their SO/family member goes batshit/walks on the wrong side of the law/toes the line and does anything they can to save them." PS when I said in the main post up top that they're going to gaze lustfully at each other, it's platonic lust. "I want to hug you ... super bad!" It works for their society.

Main characters: Gamzee - sweet, clown-worshipping, friendly druggie who dopes up on 'special' pies and was born for hideous endless violence. Karkat - angry (ANGRY!!!) mutant-blooded revolutionary who cannot shut up and is also everybody's mother. They swear like sailors.

Side characters
Sollux - Computer genius, has psychic powers that includes being able to hear people about to die. Lisps terribly and I made the possibly wrong choice in mimicking canon and writing this in dialogue. Hmm.

Equius - Mechanical genius with an obsession about being strong, a sweat problem, and many other issues. Awkwardly sexy issues.

Aradia - she got killed by someone called Vriska, but Equius built a robot body for her ghost to possess. She also has psychic powers.

Species notes: Trolls are vaguely bug-based aliens who have blood in colours of the rainbow. The society is stratified according to blood colour, and the oppressed lower classes are maroon through yellow, middle class = green, and then noble bluebloods and royal purples. When communicating via chat client - Trollian - everybody types in their blood colour (except Karkat, who types in grey to hide his mutation) and has a particular typing quirk that reflects their personality and speaking habits.

Trolls and fandom agree that the most important thing about their society is romance. This comes in four flavours: usual human-style romantic love with sex included, I-will-protect-you-from-yourself / others-from-you nonsexual love, hatelove/rivalsex, and a triad consisting of nonsexual hate-romantic cockblocking, where one person insists on coming between two people engaged in an unhealthy feud.


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