Wonderful: When people are really glad to see the next part of your ongoing fic. Phew, also thank you deeply.
Problematic: Shit!!! You like the developing plot? There isn't one! They're going to talk and gaze lustfully upon each other for the rest of the story. There's a hug, I mean it's a helluva clinch, but plot...
(There's never a plot. My fics are about people engaging in sufficient dialogue that circumstances are eventually revealed to be sad/romantic/sexy/amusing. I live in fear that someday people will discover this so sshh, it's a secret.)
Now for your regularly scheduled Gunnerkrigg outpouring. So there was a time when I pared my livejournal interests down because it was tiresome keeping track of my changing fandoms in that list, and one of the few things that remained was "pigeons". This is still true. It is very true.
With Kat spending the last few pages with
her thoughts embodied by a downhearted pigeon, I'm good for nothing. Just coming over all UGUU BABYFACE. Fat comfy sad bird. It is adorable. Maybe I should pay attention to other things? Nah. Pigeooooon.
Okay I lied the other stuff is great. More Zimmy and Gamma is always good. The fact that they can freeze time or something, judging by Reynardine, Shadow and Robot, is weird and really interesting, as is the fact that Zimmy seems to be absorbing Annie's 'fire'. Kat struggling with possible same-sex attraction is being done so well, with this light touch and fitting little details. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ANNIE'S DREAM but that's okay too, should be fun to find out. And omg I love the pigeon.
The previous chapter was disappointing! I have determined that there are two things I dislike about Gunnerkrigg Court: 1. colour palette and 2. the way the dramatic moments and punchlines get undercut, but only occasionally.
Microsat 5 was one of the times when the understated emotion didn't work for me. We've waited so long to hear from Annie's dad that it would have been good to get more of a pay-off. I loved the beginning of the chapter where Annie is absolutely furious with repressed emotion, and the flashbacks were good too ... but more please. Especially since I'm hung up on the Annie-Surma-Tony weirdo family dynamic. Oh yeah, it was nice to see where Annie got the martial arts from the earlier chapters from.
(Dang, Gunnerkrigg's earlier chapters. Those could also count as things I don't like much - Annie had me converted to the idea that a 'Mary Sue main character' could exist, with how she seemed boringly perfect in the Spooky Cutie way - but I think of them fondly. Look how far the comic's come! And I did start to enjoy it so damn fast that it's difficult to say I outright dislike the less polished parts.)
shipswap is a fic exchange for rare ships, with nominations only open until tomorrow, the 16th. I nominated Aravis/Lasaraleen (Narnia), Glenda/Nutt (Discworld, Unseen Academicals), Flury/Elda (Diana Wynne Jones - Year of the Griffin), and Marik/Odion and Kisara/Thief King Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!).
And then I got trapped in a storm of Kisara/Thief King Bakura while I was checking if the ship was small enough to qualify.
Mandolina Lightrobber has good stuff - I like
Across the Sand,
We Were Standing, and
At the End of the World. It's all elemental forces in opposition and creepiness and loneliness and desperation and need... this nonsensical but perfectly logical ship is so great.
Shipswap allows platonic team-up fics too, so I might just ask for Kisara and the Thief King becoming best buds and roaming Egypt, blowing everything up as the exact opposite of a buddy-cop duo. Marik and Odion should make out though. Since they've actually met in canon and in fact have a great platonic relationship, I like when fic tosses in makeouts.