
Jul 03, 2011 09:39

Retrospective on the first half of 2011: Yeah well fuck you too.

Okay no, this entry does not need to be that way. Er. A meme? From aramis-chan:

Pick a fandom and I'll tell you my...

- 3 favorite relationships
- 3 favorite characters
- 3 of my favorite moments
- 3 reasons I like/love that fandom

And rec type things.
Government Controlled Cats - an ( Read more... )

emo, baa baa memesheep, homestuck, the demon's lexicon, fan babble, blaaaargh aaaargh, the queen's thief, books, reborn!, recs, yu-gi-oh!

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demoerin July 3 2011, 19:54:39 UTC
We can hold on to hope for 2011 Jul-Dec. HOLD ON...!

3 favorite relationships
- John-Vriska. Latest updates have had me muffling truly awful noises in my pillows. It shouldn't have worked and yet it did, and it might not work out but it could and they'd be so great together, pushing and shoving and having fun. I am ludicrously invested in their developing a moirallegiance, but whether it ends up as that, friendship, or redrom I will eat it up.
- John-Karkat. So much fun! Their conversations slip in and out of heartfelt sincerity and pain into lolz and that exceptionally creative swearing, and it's hilarious and also makes me want to glue them together what that is a perfectly natural reaction.
- Guardians-Kids. Platonic oh god, and Bec & Jade don't really get to me like the other three relationships do. But the family love, amazing rainbows of dysfunctionality from Dave-Bro and Mom-Rose and all, is epic.

3 favorite characters
- Vriska. This involves a lot of going "Why are you TERRIBLE!!" (a lot) (SO MUCH) but I love her nonetheless. She is awful and messed up and awesome.
- John. He is charming, really sweet, dorky, and a little jerk. The way he trusts to the best in people, even when he absolutely in no way should, gets to me.
- Equius. Most adorable violent heinously bigoted horse fetishist ever. Right.

Honorable mentions! Rose, Karkat, Aradia.

3 of my favorite moments
- The first conversation between Tavros and Dave is still the funniest thing in the comic.
- Kanaya vs Gamzee, forever a shining moment even when that entire resurrection was a glorious mix of WTF and wish fulfillment.
- The conversation between John and Vriska where she confesses about all the killing she's done. So bizarre and sad and terrible, and ultimately hopeful.

3 reasons I like/love that fandom
- There are all kinds of fanworks blowing right out the intertubes, and a lot of it is amazing. Vids, songs, art, fic, whatever. And though it's a slightly strange experience to see so much canon-based fic, it makes for a really nice change of pace.
- It's rather surprising that there are so many Vriska fans, but it's nice to have a good supply of fanwork for my favourite character.
- The frequent updates keep everything busy. Active fandoms are fun.


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