(no subject)

Jun 29, 2010 18:53


And a meme taken ages ago from metaphand:
- everyone has dirty fandom secrets or guilty pleasures or unpopular opinions.
- list five of yours.
- profit.

my nerd rage extends beyond 5. Also, spoilers from the 280s and up for KHR.">

1. Naruto: Anko, Choji, and Temari are deeply creepy. w-why does no one else in fandom notice

2. KHR: It was impressive when Yamamoto ran into that wall. On reading it, I thought that I should be laughing but that it was kind of too cool to laugh at. He knocked himself out for like three hours, if that attack had gone through he would've nailed the fight. (I figure in the end, Yamamoto's still going to kill himself, one way or the other.)

3. Hanna: Mrs Blaney's awesome.

4. Skip Beat! is not a great manga for female friendships. Oh, all right, it's got great *bits* for that. But Kanae is barely in it! People push it as this great female friendship-and-or-femmeslashy thing and while it's brilliantly crystal clear where that's coming from, this is 99% the Kyoko & Ren Show. False advertising, fandom. :(

5. I worry that I love disempowered women. What I actually like are underpowered characters stuck in an overwhelming situation, and I especially like it when they have a giant stupid crush while they are neck deep in better things to do* - and these characters are usually women who do roughly nothing plotwise and act stereotypically female, especially in the sweet, cute 'n stupid sense, and sometimes it's possible to pinpoint the exact moment the invisible ink of meta text scrawls 'fuck you, bitchbag' all over their faces. Take Sakura (Naruto), Shizuka (Yuugiou), Kyoko (KHR), and Orihime (Bleach). Maybe it helps that I loved Xander in the high school seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
* ADDENDUM: o-oh so that's why Tsuna's my favourite. HE'S ACTUALLY A GIRL? I just noticed that he fits that archetype! right, wow.

6. KHR: Ganache is hot? Oh. Kouyou too?

7. General: no FST ever should contain Owl City. Possibly the world shouldn't contain Owl City, but I don't want it to sound like I'm making death threats against the kid, I just wish he had the ability to write lyrics.

8. KHR: I LOVE that Tsuna doesn't react to killing Byakuran and basically no one has any reaction to the Millefiore arc. It's terrible storytelling - you'd have to do rocket-powered backflips to make that narratively excusable. But the end of the Millefiore arc was so devoted to being terrible that it makes me come over all gleeful not to hear about it.

9. Black Lagoon: Awesome ladies are not enough! This would be a great series if, after about three volumes, it didn't cycle through the same character/thematic development like clockwork every time a plain dramatic shot rather than a violent dramatic shot was required. And give Rock a consistent personality oh my god. I can see peeks of one threatening to come out ... maybe ... sometimes ... no! Foiled again!

10. KHR: Who gives a damn about how TYL Tsuna looks. Tsuna has a boring everyman/shounen protoganist design and he's supposed to stay Our ordinary Hero, so there isn't much scope to change that for the future unless it's to go, 'oh no, look what a tool you turn into, this must be avoided at all costs!' KHR's probably not going to do a time travel storyline again, though.

And the unpopular opinion nearest and dearest to my heart: THE OXFORD COMMA RULES
because I needed to get that off my chest.

Also vital to note: vuvuzelas are awesome! I love that triumphant tin cow blare passionately. Everyone who hates them should come to South Africa and join in MAKING SOME NOISE.
I want this as an icon:

On another note entirely: Sister's American boy has informed me of "turducken".* The American Christian fundamentalists should give up right now, because there are crimes even God will not forgive. Whatever mysterious ties binds a nation has left the whole of the USA guilty. Of course, Sister went and ATE some, so South Africa has also been brought low. Let's be friends!

*For those who'd never heard of it before either: Chicken! In a duck. IN A TURKEY.

black lagoon, hanna is not a boy's name, naruto, skip beat!, reborn!, baa baa memesheep

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