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NOOO, NOT THE DREADED VIOLIN! thelovemafia June 26 2010, 17:50:22 UTC
You play it for Tsuna!angst and you play it for Lee! I AM BEGINNING TO FEAR IT MORE THAN THE VUVUZELAS.

p.s. this Onion article re. the vuvuzelas cracked me up so hard.

SO MUCH LOVE FOR EVERYTHING. I've been meaning to do a Reborn talk post forever and here! You have one! So I don't have to! :D

re. Veser being hot: She totally upped the hot factor on him, man. HE DID NOT LOOK LIKE THAT BEFORE. Also it is a sign of my feelings for Veser that when I first saw him again I was, "... :') My baby's all grown up!"

re. Loserface: YOU ARE SO MEAN TO LEE, OMG.

re. Mr. Bastard Hatch: I think I would like Ms. Stone to make Mr. Hatch Secretly Somehow Sympathetic. (I am terrible like this:

1. she goes about developing the comic at her pace;
2. meanwhile the fandom fixes on an general opinion for a particular character, e.g. Mr. Hatch is a bastard, Ples is a sweet stammering Brit;
3. I read enough fan-material and view enough fanworks that I become bored of the fan-perception;
4. And go in entirely the other opposite direction e.g. Secretly Sympathetic! Misunderstood! Mr. Hatch, and then I become uncommonly fond of creepy!Ples artworks (as an antidote to all the stammering!Ples I see).

Oh, why am I so fickle.

re. the Sad Sad Tale of Veser Hatch:
HAHAHAHA the YES! was my reaction! :D

Veser is a stack of delicious steaming pancakes, and MISERY is that jug of maple syrup that is COMING FOR HIM.

... it is 1.48 am my time, which is probably why my analogy is so warped.


LOOOOOOOOOLLLL demoerin June 28 2010, 16:33:43 UTC

You're awesome. Beyond awesome. And I am DYING.

The tiny violin shows so much more depth in passion and emotion due to the skill with which it must be played!

That Onion article is hilarious - but. It has a dire mistake lolol incorrect facts in an Onion article. The opening match was not [IRRATIONAL RAGE] between France and Uruguay but between SOUTH AFRICA AND MEXICO!

...This reminds me of an ad that ran here a few years back. The story in the ad was that this restaurant's chicken was so remarkable it was under investigation by the US government.
Researcher: We've traced the origin to South Africa.
George W. Bush stand-in: South Africa? Where's that?
Bodyguard: Somewhere in Mexico, sir.

Which probably sums up the state of things.

I don't think Veser's hotness was upped, as such. Except maybe for hfff the arms hi *____*. But then I was always inappropriately attracted to the cartoon dude, so I'm a biased sample. Maybe it's the difference in lighting? He's in a much brighter setting now, so he's not so uniformly gray-toned.

re. Loserface: YOU ARE SO MEAN TO LEE, OMG.
No more than he deserves! Or looks like he deserves, with that loser face.

I think I would like Ms. Stone to make Mr. Hatch Secretly Somehow Sympathetic.
I'm pre-emptively resenting this very event. He's a bastard! I think you've mentioned that he might have been losing his humanity throughout the years? That'd be okay. But once he is made sympathetic, it will probably work well. Ms. Stone has a knack for storytelling. However, the Sweet Stammering Brit theory being shot down instantly made fandom brighter and better.

HAHAHAHA the YES! was my reaction! :D
How can you think 'my baby' on one hand and 'DELICIOUS MISERY SYRUP' on the other? poor Veser! (...but there really is something compelling about the thought of things getting worse. How? Is he going to have to kill his dad or something? Or save him!)


the delicious stack of steaming ANGST! thelovemafia June 30 2010, 15:31:54 UTC
Thank you for being lovely and putting up with my crazy VESER AS BREAKFAST analogies. ♥

How can you think 'my baby' on one hand and 'DELICIOUS MISERY SYRUP' on the other?
*grin* Because "cognitive dissonance" doesn't really happen for me. At least I don't love Veser because he suffers beautifully (I do, however, love Conrad at least in part because he suffers hilariously). When I see Veser suffering I want to hug him! and make everything okay! On the other hand, I am also intensely aware that it is the DELICIOUS MISERY SYRUP that makes this happen! :D

re. Veser's hotness: I mean, look at him before. Or here. The general features remain the same, but she's streamlined the look of his face so it doesn't look as awkward as it did before. His current!face is longer and more adult-like. She's definitely brightened him up in Conrad's apartment, but I generally associate bright colours with younger / more lively characters, so for me it's the shape of his face and the exposure of his arms that makes me think 'I SEE SOMEONE HAS GONE HOTTER AND SEXIER'.


... LOL MAJOR INACCURACY. I wonder if it was intentional.

... SOMEWHERE IN MEXICO. OH DEAR. It's kind of like the way every Asian country is automatically China.

re. Lee and his FACE: Now Veser must give Lee a hug to make up for youuuu. (I STILL LOVE YOU THOUGH!)

re. sympathetic!Mr. Hatch: I think my feelings for that are largely influenced by encountering so much vituperative Mr. Hatch feeling in the Hanna!world that I'd love to see everyone surprised by him being Secretly Sympathetic All Along. It would sure take a lot of plotting to explain the captive!wife and beats-his-son! business, but I am sure she could do it if she wanted to.

However, the Sweet Stammering Brit theory being shot down instantly made fandom brighter and better.
I AM GLAD WE AGREE! :D SO IT DID! Although my "brighter and better" is "darker and edgier" - and in some cases, FUNNIER.


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