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May 11, 2010 06:09

KHR chapter 288

kyaa omg Generation IX! Allow me to shed a single tear for a dream I never thought would be.

Bet Fabio's forefather was the powerhouse - and also, provides a look at 80YL Gokudera. Or Ed Elric, what's up with that arm!

I hope these old guys are going to be like "In our day we didn't need rings the size of your bloody head to accomplish things they're so cool let us see :D :D". And then the Ninth goes "So young Tsunayoshi, does Great-Granddad watch you sleep from that thing too?" "I knew it!"

This chapter was even more Daily Life in feel than the others of this arc and could've done with a bit more meat - but I forgive everything for Generation IX guardians and Nana inviting the hordes into her house once again. Adelheid & co. chilling around the breakfast table made me laugh harder than it should have. CAN'T THEY ALL STAY? Nana wouldn't mind! And is it just me, OR IS ADELHEID A TROLL. She makes this hilariously intrusive suggestion all 'Sorry to be bothering you' with an absolutely straight face. She seems like the kind of KHR character well-balanced enough to know when she's being a nut, which could mean she's pushing the Secret Plan. <3

"In the end" has the potential to become a deliciously creepy line in future, as it seems to be Koyo's tagline. "We can't be friends, in the end..." And then Koyo blasts Ryohei away with a sky flame, for a real shocker! (Although Enma really does have to be sky, doesn't he? Otherwise the parallel with Tsuna would not be so great. Hmmm. I WOULD WEEP IF ENMA WERE CLOUD. Tsuna as a cloud type is a terribly sad idea.)

Whoa why is Bianchi older looking than she was in the Future Arc? But it's nice to see Futa up close again. I wish he'd get another big role! There never was fallout to his sealing off his powers during the Kokuyo arc, except for in that one novel story. He could so fit in with the magical side of things if we went into Vindice and Cervello histories.

...Stalker Gokudera is canon now. With a seriously creepy face. And so is stalker Reborn! Tsuna is never going to get any action in his room. Sorry Kyoko ... and Enma. But Enma seems more interested in Nuts anyway (BEDROOM EYES).

And Kyoko's just showing up at Tsuna's house these days! Aaaaww. I will resist the urge to scream SHE COULDA TAKEN HARU. IT'S NOT LIKE THEY GOT TO BE BFF FROM LIVING IN EACH OTHERS' POCKETS FOR TWO MONTHS. Oops it didn't work.

So I guess this is why Large was dedicated to be Lambo's specially selected soulmate - Lambo is into mountaineering!

Don't worry Large, even if Amano and/or her assistants don't like your face, I still do.

Adelheid does not sleep. She waits.

But for what! What is the grand plan! I love that Reborn does not have a clue here.

Randomly, I also want to show my new favourite macro. Internets, I love you really. But DO NOT LOOK if you don't like spiders!

AAWWWWWWW, AAAAAAWWWWWW, so cute! I want to pinch its ... little ... pedipalps?

And to metaphand: Omnomnom. Thank you for the biscuits. ♥

fan babble, reborn!, invertebrates, omg heart

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