(no subject)

May 02, 2010 08:43

More than talent, more than skill, creative types should have the ability to respond to criticism. But I'm only saying that because it's painful to watch a poor response. So painful.

Scans Daily (comm for posting comic scans. Often, highly suspect comic scans) loves comic writer Gail Simone 99% of the time, but the other day there was one time they didn't, and Simone was around to see it. Warning, if you read that you might end up cringing so hard that your face muscles lock into place. Maybe the rule should be 'More than talent, more than skill, creative types should never ever have a blog and use this to interact with their fans on an individual basis--can we disconnect their internet, actually?' Although sarahtales seems to deal reasonably with internet + creative endeavours + fame. Maybe the trick is not to engage with critics much. At least not until you've stepped back for a while and done something soothing. Sure, you know all the influences of editorial decisions/character history/personal intentions, but the readers will never know them as intimately as you, and often the reasons can seem more like excuses.

Also, no smilies - no, not ever. I'm bordering on scared to use them since seeing Simone's responses on scans_daily. PASSIVE AGGRESSION RISING ... AND RISING... :)

KHR episode 182: I capped the living shit out of this episode. What's that word? Fujoshi, right. By the way - damn it, Chris, your LJ handle is way too appropriate, I want to call half my fic 'The Love Mafia'. Because it's true! For this episode I'd just like to note the most important fact: Great Granddad had a facial expression again! He had several! Like the puppydog face and 'I would blow you tenderly'! Oh and also, Tsuna and Gokudera's marriage has been sanctified by G., how sweet. (Endless lols. THIS SERIES!)

LJ'S been having lots of movie questions in Writer's Block, it seems like, particularly movie adaptation questions, and: WHEN IS SOMEONE GOING TO DO A SANDMAN MOVIE HUH :( I'm sure you could brutalise that epic storyline down into one movie... All right, let's face it, mostly I want to see the Endless and the Dreaming in action.

But I hope no one ever actually does do a Good Omens movie. Fallout from the casting wars would take GO straight to Fandom Wank 9 times in one week.

reborn! anime, that ain't right, freakin a, reborn!, that's wrong, omg heart

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