Suddenly I had a post about illustrations. Loosely speaking

Mar 14, 2010 20:44

storybookland posts scans from illustrated books, generally beautiful or cute or humorous - occasionally sad and terrifying?? I've seen this style of illustration a lot, but it really is creepy if you look at it realistically! And then there's the "We Like Kindergarten" cover, which is on a whole other level. You can't give that book to kids! Baby girl makes me feel like I need to feed her my heart to make her feel better.

Another horrifying and sad - deeply sad. - thing popped up on scans_daily: the unholy lovechild of Wolverine and Batman.Then the writers take it to the next logical step and make his arch-nemesis the lovechild of Joker and Sabertooth. LOLWAT, what, whaaaaaat!

Comics are the first best example of why fans shouldn't get a hand in controlling the source. ...On the other hand, then there are things like the scans_daily header, involving Colossus hurling Wolverine as a weapon, and one is reminded of the beauty of crack. XD That post has another DC/Marvel mash-up pic in this thread, which strangely I would knock out my eyeteeth to see more of. I don't particularly like Superman and know 0 about Captain America, but something about the mashup is completely hot. Batman/Ironman is TERRIFYING (Tony Stark is a freeeaaaak), and the other mashups are just perfect. Thor/Hawklady, mmmm, though I don't even know what you'd do about the mythology.

And I found a link to art for the Coraline movie, which is gorgeous and, luckily, intentionally creepy. XD

that ain't right, recs, that's wrong

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