(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 23:19

With regards to the last post and the bit about everything being wonderful - that included this stuff. It's rec time!

Good Omens - Aziraphale and Crowley, Renaissance, Italy
Is it the most beautiful thing I've seen this holiday season -- yes, yes, A RESOUNDING YES.

Even War has her trophies. I LOVE THIS IDEA.

Digimon - An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe
So right after I find that other Daisuke/Ken fic, I go back and see this one. IT'S SO GOOD, Y'ALL. An AU that features a terrible plan on Daisuke's side and the part of the Digimon Kaiser that is human, or at least the part that remembers he's supposed to be.

Yuugiou - Kiss for a Lifetime
Anzu/Shizuka, very short but made of love and delight. I should have recced this AGES AGO seeing as I requested it and some other fics off Porn Battle. Now I shall! E.g:

Knowledge of Good and Evil
Dark Bakura/Malik starring in hot hot hot hot (NC-17, mind) canon-fixing action. I really like the plot threads picked up in this piece, and the way the characters interact.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Doodle Time #10
Vongola ensemble Christmas sweetness. Each of them gets a look-in at the very least and it's full of blood and humour. Aaawww.

The ultimate in Lambo-fic, connecting the canon dots of his character traits in an excellent way. With bonus Gokudera and chances of inducing a trembling lip and something in your eye.

An island song like a floating river
Gorgeous Kyoko-fic that is exactly her. Also notable for the Reborn POV.

Unicorns in the Sea
Fran/Belphegor with oh my goodness a hint of believable tenderness?? The imagery is enchanting.

Carmen Sandiego/adult Reborn, the prompt I thought would never be filled. And then there it was, freaking perfect. Two expert professionals work around each other with great pleasure.

Okami/Kingdom Hearts - Courtly
You know what's bizarrely adorable? Mickey/Amaterasu. This ficlet has them as playing a very sweet, very stately almost-game.

Spirited Away - Good Children
Chihiro in the bath house, and this has the feel of the movie down pat. It's like rolling around in the adorable and unknowable and beautiful.

The Girl in the Water
Chihiro's living her life after the movie, with all the grace and oddness she learnt in the spirit world.

Skip Beat! - Sing Along
Randomly, Reino and Sho. The author takes them on with style and aplomb and bam! They're fleshed out and relatable, and you're reminded of why they're admirable.

The Loved Girl (A Portrait in Tabloids)
It's the perfect Ren/Kyoko/and-oh-yeah-Sho-too fic and that is that.

Mirror, Mirror of the Heart (What do you see in mine?)
Fic about Kyoko's mother! It's a neat fit into canon, touching on all the right points, and gives a fascinating picture and possibilities.

Coraline (movieverse) - The Wisdom to Know the Difference
Coraline/Wybie for meeee that is on a delicious borderline of creepy and sweetness.

Further Adventures of Coraline (and Wybie, Too)
Wybie's sick, Coraline's bored, and who has time for homework when people are disappearing from photographs? - Just right for the source.

prompt: she climbed up to his window like Romeo did for Juliet
Coraline and Wybie are older and it's time for makings out. Weird to process at first, but this is adorable and Coraline is so Coraline that it's irresistable. (Now I have a questionable urge for more.)

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - The Romance of Clun
Arabella Woodhope and Jonathan Strange are ~so in love~ and wonderfully Victorian (Georgian? something) and snarky and yet totally smitten about it. The sublimation of love into a polite slam battle is remarkably entertaining.

The King's Man
Childermass/John Uskglass pre-slash set after canon, where Uskglass is basically yanking Childermass's pigtails the whole time, and it's hilarious.

Inuit mythology - High Tide
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sedna-fic, Sedna-fic! My favourite goddess tells her origin; lyrical and lovely and brutal, with the hint of storms to come. Oh, Sedna.

And the Star Trek 2009 comm ladies1st started posting and a quick skim gives scads of Gaila, Gaila/Uhura, and Spock/Uhura coming out of there. Happy place!

PS - anyone want an Archive of Our Own invite? I've got one spare, so if anyone wants it, gimme an e-mail and I'll send it along.

omg heart, star trek (reboot), skip beat!, kingdom hearts, recs, good omens, recs: katekyo hitman reborn!, yu-gi-oh!

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