(no subject)

Nov 18, 2009 04:56

My Yuletide assignment is perfect. I can do it, and I want to do it! What a relief.

To my Yuletide author: You basically can't go wrong - I think about getting fic in these fandoms and come over glowing with excitement. In general, I prefer the happier kind of ending, but take the story where you will. Please avoid death, rape and terrible violence, though.

The Neverending Story: Here's a list of unfinished stories in the book, and I sprinkled Gmork in there too. What I'd like is a fic about any one of:
- Gmork (& his time with the Dark Princess in Spook City)
- Grograman (& the person who came to meet him in Bastian's name)
- Hero Hynreck & Princess Oglamar
- Yikka/winged horse OTP
- Sikanda & the person who could wield it again. Which would probably involve the person who went to see Grograman.
- the adventures of the four messengers
If you remember another unfinished story, go for it.

Young Wizards: I feel like I should apologise, but honestly, by "You, young and never loving - I, old and never loved" I decided it didn't matter if the author was doing it in on purpose, because the point was that I really did ship it. But it really is all I want from this fandom - unless you write Ed gen, actually. I'd love that! Anything - about his history and experience with wizardry, about the first time the Song was done, about other Songs, etc.

Coraline: It's pretty embarrassing how hard I OTP Wybie/Coraline, so that would be swell to have - but hey, as long as they're hanging out together it's cool. And I like the exploration of weird worlds, especially one like theirs, where things are mostly normal at first sight. Er. This is basically re-typing my request. Feel free to have the other characters in it too.

EDIT: Oh bugger, I went and picked the wrong Coraline! I just checked the Yuletide website and I see there is a category for Coraline-the-Movie, which I did not spot before (since Wybie appeared under the book section, I figured I'd got lucky). Don't be fussed, Yuletide author, remove Wybie from my request and write about Coraline + exploring, which is the true OTP anyway. If you can add rats, as the rats and their horrifying background rhyming threats were the best thing in the book, awesome.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: I narrowed my request down so it didn't end up huge and with nine different characters to choose from. I'm sure you picked up that I'd love some Stephen, especially getting used to Fairyland, and Fairyland getting used to him - the fairies seemed a lot nicer when he showed up in the end. But if that fails, Jonathan/Arabella is a great pairing, and Lady Pole/Arabella has real meaty possibilities. And trust me, I'm still narrowing things down. There is a lot of leeway here.


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