(no subject)

Oct 13, 2009 19:56

I've been a bit homesick lately and then I saw that thewhyfive had Top 5 Things That Remind You of Home as a theme and I went and indulged...

1. Hadedas. And laughing doves and wagtails, and fiscal shrikes. I'm not sure you even get fiscal shrikes in Cape Town, but when I think of them it's a bit of home.
2. Workers sitting in the back of a bakkie
3. Rock pools
4. TV you watch mostly to make fun of, particularly soaps
5. Mountains in the distance
6. Like Water for Hot Chocolate
8. Rampant drug abuse
9. School violence

...and then I decided to stop.

Haha, so much for nostalgia.

Sometimes I'm surprised how much environment influences me. I'm semi-binging on Star Trek Reboot fic, but I can't actually read that much of it at a go, because half the time the Enterprise is the only setting! My brain can't deal with imagining all that sterile whiteness. It's like vague mental claustrophobia.

Edit: And in light of this little fit of environmental love, it's a very happy coincedence that I found some NUDIBRANCH! A gallery full of the most adorable sea slugs you'll ever see. There is one towards the end that looks like it's smiling--why won't you let me right-click save, National Geographic?

i love my country, i hate my country, invertebrates, omg heart

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