I've found the fastest Internet café in Cape Town and it's 10 minutes away. \o/
To celebrate, music! Here's the Seven Songs I Don't Want to Stop Listening To meme:
Half as Much - Moxy Früvous. The cutest song I have, and has this neat almost-acapella-but-with-instruments rock sound.
Be Human - Scott Matthew. The 'I don't wanna be a robot :(' song
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That was such a surprise to see me mentioned XD Thank you for thinking of me! Although since I blather on so much about that game I guess you didn't have the choice. XD;;;
Ummm... it is worth noting, however, if it is something that would bother you that... it... technically isn't legal. >>; However, I guarantee you that it isn't anything that is traceable so you wouldn't be in any kind of trouble for simply having it unless, like, the government kicked in your door and saw you playing it or something LOL.
This sounds very tempting. Also like it involves a pretty big file size, so maybe send to my gmail instead? I'm boksbyl. And sending instructions too would be great. I'm not sure if I'd be able to DL immediately if it's a big file, but seeing as I've found this great net café I'll be able to get at it soon enough. :D
The file sizes aren't terrible. The game itself takes up 3MB (which is the worst of it) because the emulator doesn't even take up a single megabyte. However I a douuuble checking that I am sending you the right ROM because there is one out there that breaks right before the final boss and deletes all your saved data LOL and I forgot to delete that one and now I've mixed it up with the new one and... yes I will send everything along once I've got it sorted!
ALSO I found the good ROM so I am deleting the bad one right away lol and sending everything along~
Also, my instructions on Mother look hugely long and scary BUT THEY ARE JUST DETAILED SO YOU DON'T GET CONFUSED I SWEAR. ♥
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