I've found the fastest Internet café in Cape Town and it's 10 minutes away. \o/
To celebrate, music! Here's the Seven Songs I Don't Want to Stop Listening To meme:
Half as Much - Moxy Früvous. The cutest song I have, and has this neat almost-acapella-but-with-instruments rock sound.
Be Human - Scott Matthew. The 'I don't wanna be a robot :(' song, except it really is lovely.
Nobody Does it Better - Radiohead. "THIS IS THE SEXIEST SONG THAT WAS EVER WRITTEN." - sez the singer. I think this song is the most fun you can have by yourself if you're the singing into the hairbrush type. It starts off all grumpy and tender and basically (though not literally) degenerates into wailing sonuvaBIIIIIIiitch I'm so in love with yooouuu. It ends with "And this is the second sexiest song ever written", which can make for fun times if the next thing that comes up on your playlist is, say
I Wanna Bite Ya - Planning To Rock. Tender loving cannibalism.
The Strings of North Egg - Innaway. This song sounds exactly like its title; that is, slightly stoned in an interesting way.
Raindrops and Roses - The Great Lakes Myth Society. Appropriately enough, my favourite.
Bella Notte/Les Poissons - Julian & Quartet, from Disney's On the Record album. This I like mostly for the filthy giggle the singer manages to have when talking about fish. "Hee-hee-hee! Hon-hon-hon!"
Might as well have linked
audiography and been done with it. (If I was only allowed to keep one LJ community, it would be that one.)
pekori, in case you didn't see, there was
a Mother soundtrack over at FST. Thought I'd mention it since the fandom is so small, any little bit helps?
I'll take a bite outta ya take a bite outta ya take a bite outta ya
I wanna bite ya! ^_~