Aug 02, 2005 01:10
DAMN IT!!! i gave an EIGHT UNIT shot (that's a big guy) of HUMALOG. instead of time-released LANTUS. meaning that i was about to get in bed and sleep when i (thankfully) realized this and had to go back downstairs and EAT. WHEN I'M NOT HUNGRY AT EFFING ALL. grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
so far: 3 airheads, a gigantic bowl of cereal, a handful of pure sugar (unfortunately, not very yummy), a box of raisins, and some yogurt. maybe one more sugary, awful-for-you thing will do the trick and i can actually SLEEP tonight.
ASDFAPOIEWRUPAO;SHGPOIWEQR!!! (angry keyboard pounding)
watching SNL, at least. i never catch that. it's a rerun on E! with tobey maguire as guest (back when he had just filmed Cider House Rules)
going off on a tangent: that movie scared me shitless. just as far as life and death and i was little enough to not know what the heck abortion was until that movie. quite an eye-opener, i say. still good, if a LOT disturbing
in other news: saw wedding crashers tonight, laughed my buttocks off. but that seems to be not only my verdict but many others'.
wow i love the jeopardy spoof with sean connery imitations. and tobey's doing a nice keanu reaves, if i may say so myself.
loveloveloveloveandhippievibes (i need them right now. alot)