Meeting the Oracle

Oct 18, 2010 01:15

01. Name Adam
02. LJ Username Aerodactylus
03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? I saw a copy of The Lightning Thief at my school book fair, thought it looked interesting, and bought it. Four years later, Rick Riordan remains at the top of my list for favorite authors.

the oracle
04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? To become a paleontologist, and study dinosaurs. I've wanted to do this since I was four years old, and I found out that there were people who got to talk about dinosaurs all the time.
05. What type of magical object would you like to have? I'd enjoy having a magic book that could call up information, like an omni-encyclopedia. Maybe it could also be a notebook, so I could write things in it and store them for later use.
06. What makes you like or dislike a person? Fake people are abhorrent to me. I hate when a person feels that they need to act a certain way in order to fit in, but even worse is the person that enjoys doing that. You are one person, with one personality, and one set of likes and dislikes, and you should be proud of that. Anyone who says otherwise is not worth being around. A definite plus as far as people go is intelligence; I love having long conversations with people about book-ish stuff.
07. Are you a leader or a follower? That's a tough question. If I feel strongly about something, I'll stand up and say my piece about how I think it should work, and if necessary take charge, but I'm usually more comfortable being an advisor.
08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? Apathy. I can be very lazy and uncaring, even about things that I would normally enjoy very much. I struggle hard against it; it's easily my biggest stumbling block.
09. What do you think are your top five best qualities?
01. Kindness: I try never to put people down and am always warm and friendly to people.
02. Knowledgeable: I try to learn as much as I can about everything I can. There is no excuse in my mind for being ignorant.
03. Intuitive: I pick up on things very quickly, and am a fast learner.
04. Pragmatic: I look at things from a practical standpoint, and I'm good at working out compromises.
05. Undaunted: I'm not sure what a good word for this is, but I'm good at compartmentalizing. I don't let emotion or problems I'm having cloud my judgement on what needs to be done, and failure doesn't scare me.

10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities?
01. Apathy: As stated above, I can become incredibly uninterested in things at times. Mostly this manifests as intense procrastination, to the point that I might not do what assigned to me at all.
02. Arrogance: Primarily related to how smart I am and how much I know (or think I know), if I perceive of someone as less intelligent or less informed, I can become callous or patronizing, and I have a great disdain for being unprofessional in certain situations.
03. Impatience: If I know something, and someone else doesn't, and I want to make them understand, I can become very frustrated if they don't pick up on it as quickly as I do.
04. Judgmental: I have a bad habit of holding myself or things I identify with greatly (my upbringing and home environment, my friends, my experiences), as a standard against which I judge other people or situations, usually subconsciously. This can lead to elitist remarks that I don't realize come off that way.
05. Selfishness: I can be self-centered without thinking about it, doing things for myself without considering the consequences to others. I may assume, in a shared room, that my roommate won't mind my dirty clothes strewn about the floor, or I may eat or drink whatever is there without asking if others want some, even if it's technically theirs.

the series
11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Probably Nico. I enjoy reading characters who are multifaceted, and have to do a bit of growing up before others accept them.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? To be honest? I don't really have one. No character is irritating for me to read, and the villains have that "love to hate" quality that I like in a good villain.
13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? Annabeth. She has the sort of anti-ignorance quality I admire, and her personality is very engaging.
14. What is something you would change about the series? Another tough question. I wish some of the characters got more "screen time" (Nico comes to mind), and there are a few continuity snarls that, once I found them or they were pointed out to me, rankled a bit, but nothing terribly major.
15. What is something you would never change about the series? The character-driven style. Characters are the heart and soul of any good series, in my opinion, so I love that Rick Riordan saw fit to make his heroes and villains so deep and engaging.

16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Sokka, from Avatar: The Last Airbender - Totally a son of Athena. He's incredibly smart and a great strategist, and though he's young, has signs of being a great leader one day. He also planned a coordinated amphibious assault of the enemy capital, using machines he invented, and the combined skills of all the soldiers available to him.
16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
1. Freedom
2. Security
3. Self-fulfillment
4. Wealth
5. Power
6. Beauty
7. Glory

My ultimate goal in life is to live it my way, and do what I want, and achieve the dreams and goals I've set for myself. Also high on this list would be the knowledge that it isn't all about to crash down around me, or be in danger of doing so. Self-fulfillment goes along with that, the understanding that I did what i set out to do and that I'm satisfied. The other four come in distantly to those three; I'd much rather be doing something I love than be rich or powerful, (although having money to live well is something I would desire, hence why wealth is at the top of the "meh" list) and I'm perfectly happy to work in plain obscurity.
17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? Probably Aphrodite. I learned as part of growing up that worrying about love and finding it doesn't make it come faster, so i tend not to give things like that much thought.

half blood hill
18. Age: 20
19. Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

! application, claimed: athena

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