Three Fics

Oct 16, 2010 19:07

 So these were just sort of sitting there in my harddrive, forgotten, and I decided to post them. Oh--and I wrote most of these half-asleep or because I was bored, so don't expect them to be great, or even good, really.

Title: Defying Logic
Rating: M
Genre: Romance
Pairing: GodChildShipping
Word Count: 487
Spoilers: TLO
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. At all. Also, this is my first attempt at smut, ever, so please don't judge me too harshly. And if you don't like Percy/Thalia, or smut, please don't read this.
Summary: Percy accepted the offer to become a God, thus ending his relationship with Annabeth before it started. Thalia breaks the rules to be with him. Did anybody but Nico see that coming?

Their bodies molded together perfectly, pressing together in the most intimate ways. Her back was pressed against a tree (which they had made sure was not, in fact, a nymph), and her legs were wrapped around his waist. Only the sounds of their harsh breathing could be heard in the otherwise serene area. One of her hands was thoroughly entangled in his messy black hair and the other was playing with the sweaty hairs at the base of his neck, his hands were skillfully kneading her bare flesh, her top had been flung aside a while ago. He stopped kissing her, which brought a pout onto her swollen lips, until she registered the feeling of his lips and teeth on her jawline and ear. It made her knees so weak that she almost dropped.

His lips were amazing on her skin, chapped and yet so incredibly soft. She felt almost guilty that she was just sitting there, letting him do all the work, but just then he sucked on the junction of her ear and her jaw and she lost all ability to think, save for oh gods. She removed her hands from his hair and hurriedly tugged his shirt over his head, exposing a physique not unlike the bronzed sculptures of demigod heroes from ages past. She ran her hands over his chest, his back, feeling all of the smooth exposed skin. He grunted, and tugged off her skirt, leaving her in only her bra and panties. He groaned hungrily. She smirked down at him, and ground her crotch against his. He couldn't help bucking up into her; he hadn't seen her for months. She deftly unzipped his jeans, her fingers lingering on his erection, causing it to twitch.

She smiled smugly at the power she had over him, and pushed his jeans and boxers down to his knees in one swift movement. She eyed him hungrily, even as he tore her underwear right off of her body. She glanced up at him, an amused glint in her unnaturally blue eyes. "You do know that was my only pair, right?"

"You'll make do."

Hours, and multiple rounds, later, she lay next to his sleeping form, unable to keep the goofy grin off of her face. After all this time, they'd finally gotten together. She loved that their relationship had come as such a surprise to everyone except the ones that knew them best; it fit them so well. After all, no one, not even themselves, had expected that they would be the ones together. It was always supposed to be him with Annabeth, and her alone forever. It had seemed impossible for the two of them to be together. And it was. And wasn't. It defied all the laws of logic, broke every rule set by any position of authority, and was generally just a bad, bad idea. And she absolutely adored every minute of it.

Title: Percabeth 50 Themes
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Percy/Annabeth
Word Count: 1,398
Spoilers: TLO
Disclaimer: Je ne possède pas Percy Jackson and The Olympians. Also, MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF FLUFF, and very low amount of angst (though not completely without angst).
Summary: 50 sentences sparked by 50 themes, and most of them are Percabeth-y.

Ever since he became invincible, Annabeth always said he ate like a pig; he replied with, "That's not the only part of me that's like an animal."

As the bell rang, announcing the end of the last day of his junior year, his thoughts were on nothing but the thought of his beautiful girlfriend in a swimsuit; he walked into a wall in his daze.

By now, they knew each other's bodies so well they firmly believed they could identify each other in a large crowd, even if they were blind.

On their second date, Percy took Annabeth bowling; after failing miserably (Percy was strictly forbidden to tell anyone that the Annabeth Chase failed at something), they agreed never to go bowling again.

As Annabeth watched the sea-green shroud go up in flames, her only thought was, 'why did it have to be him?'

The first time Percy saw her aloof exterior crack, he nearly cried in relief.

His relationship with Annabeth was like a cycle, he mused to himself; argue, make-up, make-out, move onto new topic, repeat.

Annabeth never, ever, regretted her decision; Janus must be so disappointed.

Poseidon's wedding gift to them had been a gorgeous beach house in Montauk; Percy wholeheartedly believed that there was nothing better than lazy sunday mornings spent with Annabeth on their deck facing the ocean.

The first time Annabeth tried slapping Percy upside the head after he became invulnerable, she broke her hand; all she had to say for herself was, "That's going to take some time to get used to."

Percy long ago gave up on trying to defend himself to his angry wife during her pregnancy; the best choice of action was to hide until it blew over.

Being held by Percy, Annabeth had discovered, was like nothing else she'd ever experienced; his arms made her feel safe, strong, and loved.

Of all the things they'd argued about since they'd moved in together, which variety of juice to buy was one of their most frequent.

Somtimes, when Annabeth thinks about it, she feels sorry for Rachel; after all, Rachel may have borrowed Percy's heart for a summer, but Annabeth is the one who gets to keep it.

The first time Annabeth tried to knit, she discovered that, unfortunately, her sewing skills would not be helpful.

Annabeth has sworn to never, ever, reveal to anyone that Percy's favorite toy until he was 3 was not, in fact, an action figure (as he'd like most to believe), but a stuffed lamb; she doesn't get why he tries so hard to keep it a secret, she thinks it's adorable.

Sometimes, when Percy is swimming, he never wants to surface; but then he thinks of Annabeth, and suddenly he wants nothing more than to surface.

When he lent her his camp half-blood t-shirt, he expected to get it back eventually; he should have known better.

Annabeth sometimes feels like there's a line for Percy's affections, just waiting for her to screw up; then Percy smiles at her, his penetrating sea-green gaze pinning her to her spot and making her feel like the only girl in the world, and she knows that it doesn't matter.

On their first date, Percy took Annabeth to an amusement park; when Annabeth got sick on the loop-de-loop, he realized that it had been a decidedly bad idea.

Even after they'd been married for 20 years, he could still lure her into the bedroom.

She's never said it, and he's never brought it up, but he knows that when he brushes her golden mane, it's one of the most intimate things they do.

When Percy ripped his jeans, Annabeth mended them; when he teased her about it, she announced that he'd be sleeping on the couch for a week.

They both still believe that the only food in the world that tops his mother's blue cookies are her blueberry pies.

He will never fly on a plane, and so neither will she, even though it means missing the first day of camp.

When she first notices the moonlace growing outside of his window she doesn't think much of it; when she forces him to tell her the story behind it, she feels the sudden, violent, urge to tear it out of the pot and stomp on it until her legs give out.

Annabeth doesn't know this, but Percy always keeps a picture of her in his pocket to show off to his friends; he still doesn't quite believe that she's finally his girlfriend.

She spits the name Rachel Elizabeth Dare out like poison, and he wonders why they still can't seem to get along; he'd thought they'd grown out of this months ago.

When the minotaur (because the minotaur has to be a masochist or something, and just will not leave them alone) has the audacity, the sheer nerve, to attack Annabeth (no matter that she won, easily), all he feels is a boiling pit of rage in his stomach.

Percy loves the rain, and even though he tells people that he loves it by default because it's water, Grover knows that it's because it was raining the night that Percy met Annabeth.

He kisses her frequently in the beginning of their relationship, just to reassure himself that she's there and that their relationship is real.

Their first apartment sucks, but it's a roof over their heads.

Their first valentines day as a couple, he sent her a dozen roses; she sent him an email telling him not to be so cliché and that her favorite flowers were lilies.

He didn't see what the big deal was about some archeological ruins, but if going there made her happy, who was he to argue?

Her skin was as soft as satin, and made her seem more delicate than he knew she was; he always wondered how she didn't have any calluses.

Sitting in the shade in central park with a book and his head in her lap was probably her favorite part of spring.

She couldn't help but be amused as she watched him buff his car until it shined brilliantly; she could so imagine the thought 'ooh, shiny' running through his head.

He always hated it when she was on the other side in Capture the Flag; despite his invulnerability, her team always won.

The engagement ring he gave her was silver, because he decided that it was more important for it to match her eyes than her hair.

They lived in sin for a few years before they got married, but nobody commented; they'd already been married for years, they just had yet to make it official.

As he watched his wife push his daughter down the slide, he wondered how he ever got so lucky.

He thought it was adorable how her nose scrunched up when she sneezed, but he knew better than to tell her that.

He thought it stupid that he was taking Spanish; Ancient Greek was much more useful.

Annabeth once commented that spoon-feeding their baby reminded her of when they first met; he told her that if she ever made that comparison again he'd withhold sex.

Somehow, no one ever believed him when he said that the first time he and Annabeth ever made love started with a game of I-Spy.

If the saying "All the world's a stage," is true, then there's no one else but Annabeth who he'd want to remind him of his lines.

Annabeth usually hated swimming, but after Percy joined the team (and she got to see him in that delicious speedo at every meet), it became her new favorite sport.

Annabeth loved that Percy knew exactly how to prepare her favorite tea, and told him so daily (well, daily during the winter).

Truthfully, even the Aphrodite kids were sick of all the love triangles that had Percy and Annabeth at the base; it was a relief to everyone when they finally got together.

Percy always knew exactly how to wind her up; she supposed it was a by-product of pressing her buttons for all those years.

Title: The First Full Night
Rating: M for swearing
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Percy/Annabeth
Word Count: 1,767
Spoilers: Movie
Disclaimer: I don't own the PJO books or movie, but in this case, specifically the movie.
Summary: MOVIEVERSE, Percy's first full night at camp.

Annabeth cupped my cheek, and stared into my eyes. I swear to the gods she was about to kiss me. And I really freakin' wanted her to. But then she pulled some fancy maneuver and all of a sudden she had my sword, and her sword was pointed at my throat. I swallowed, and I'm pretty sure I fell just a little bit more in love with her.

I know, sappy. But the scary thing was, I didn't really care.

She smirked. "First rule of battle strategy: Never, ever, let your opponent distract you."

She tossed me my sword, and we sparred for a solid half hour, before we took a break. I couldn't help but stare at her a little bit as she gulped down the water. We sat, looking out at the water. I spent most of that time looking at her, and every once in a while her eyes would flicker over to me, and we'd stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, before one of us broke the contact. I frowned inwardly. In normal life, a girl like Annabeth wouldn't even spare me a passing glance. She was leagues above me--something I hadn't quite yet realized when I'd first arrived. But now I knew, and despite all of the signs, I was sure that she was just being friendly. There was no way she liked me too. I'd never had a girlfriend before, though Grover had occasionally coerced me into flirting with women, I wasn't really good at it.

I sighed, and stood up, offering my hand to her. She seemed startled, but then she smirked and slapped my hand away, pushing herself up as well. "How chivalrous of you, valiant knight. However, as I thoroughly trounced you in our fight, it should be me offering you a hand."

I snorted and turned around, waving my hand above my head as a goodbye. "See you later."

I walked back to my boat, and brooded for a while. I really needed to talk to Grover, but he was off with Mr. Bru--I mean Chiron. How the hell was I supposed to do this. Sure, we got along pretty easily, but I'd never be able to hold too long of a conversation with her if she kept looking as pretty as she did.

I was sitting on the dock, my legs dangling off the edge, when grover found me. He sat down next to me and patted my shoulder. I looked at him. "Hey G-Man."

"Sup, Perce?"

I sighed. "I'm not sure what to do about Annabeth."

"Ah, girl troubles. Well, did she say anything to you?"

"I'm just kind of confused. She said that she had strong feelings for me, but she wasn't sure if they were positive or negative. And she seems to like me, but she's so many leagues above me that we don't even compare. I mean, even you thought that at first."

Grover looked slightly ashamed, but he shook it off and rolled his eyes at me, exasperated. "Percy, Annabeth definitely likes you. Trust me, if Annabeth had decided that she had strong negative feelings for you, you would know." I nodded my head. It made sense. I thanked him and gave him a guy hug, before standing up and walking towards my boat. "I think I'm gonna go for a swim. Clear my head a bit."

Grover nodded, and I went and got a towel and changed into swim trunks. I went back outside and stripped off my shirt, dropped the towel onto the edge of the dock, and dove in. It was an interesting experience, swimming in a natural body of water. I could feel the vibrations of the water against the fish, letting me know exactly where they were, like bat sonar. The plant life in the water was very colorful as well. I could hold my breath for long periods of time underwater, but when I actually breathed it, it was exhilarating. I could feel my throat filtering the water, and I could taste the crispness of the fresh water. The water was cold as well, keeping my senses on high alert. My mind felt clearer than it had ever been, and I felt like I could swim here forever. Maybe. I'd probably have preferred it if I could share it with Annabeth.

I sighed and swam back up to the surface, surprised to see the water glittering in shades of pink and purple. I hadn't realized that I had been swimming for that long, but it made sense that I had lost track of time. I surfaced at the dock and pulled myself up onto the edge. I toweled myself mostly dry and pulled on my shirt.

I went back to my boat to shower and change, and then I went to dinner. My stomach was growling obnoxiously, and I recalled that I hadn't eaten since breakfast. When I got to the dining pavilion, I got a ton of food, then sacrificed some choice portions of my meal. I hungrily stuffed my food down my throat, eager to finish so that I could find Annabeth and talk with her.

When I finished eating, I scanned around for Annabeth, and spotted her sitting on a bench in the firelight, reading a book whose title I couldn't quite make out. The book was thick, though. I smoothed back my hair and plastered a smile on my face to hide my nerves. I took a few deep breaths, and then strode over to her, sitting next to her on the bench.

"Hey, Annabeth." She looked up from her book, eyes wide for a second, then normal again.

"Hello, Percy." Damn her for looking so beautiful.

"Um, so, could we, like, talk... in private?" She seemed amused by my awkwardness, if the way her eyes were dancing were any indication, but she was nibbling on the inside corner of her lip (pretty hard to notice, but I was paying extra attention) which was a nervous habit of hers. She nodded though. Good, she was going to hear me out.

We walked through the woods in silence, and sat cross-legged on the docks. The visible presence of water calmed me down a bit. "So," I said in a hopefully confident voice, "have you, um," DAMNIT! I fucking stuttered. Great, she probably thought that I was an awkward little boy, "decided yet?" I cleared my throat.

She looked confused. "Decided what?" Oh gods. Had she forgotten what she said? Was I imagining it? Of course I had imagined that she liked me. It had been too good to be true. I guess my emotions (mainly mortification) had played upon my face, as her eyes suddenly shone with understanding. I sighed in relief. Okay, so I hadn't imagined that she could have liked me. That was good news. But the bad news was that now the nerves were back. Damn.

She smirked slightly, her eyes dancing (off the record, I freaking adore her eyes. They are the prettiest shade of blue I've ever seen, and they. Freaking. GLOW. How the hell did she do that?) with an emotion I couldn't discern. "Oh. That."

"Yeah," I coughed. Gods, could this be any more awkward? "That."

"I did tell you that you'd be the first to know."

"Well, yeah. But I kinda thought that maybe you were dropping hints earlier, and..."

She laughed. I was entranced. It was something a bit deeper than an airy giggle, and it carried a smug tone. Maybe a bit of condescension. And some kind of superior amusement, like an adult watching a toddler do something interesting.

But beyond that, I was surprised to actually hear a bit of panic. Huh, maybe she was as nervous as me.

"Did you?" I gulped. Holy-freaking-crap. Did she have to do that... thing with her voice? It was really making it difficult for me to think.

"Um, yeah." Great job Percy. Just fantastic. Really, way to wow her with your verbal skills. I'm such an idiot.

She looked at me like she was going to laugh at me. She was so going to reject me. Way to blow your chances with the best catch in camp, Percy. Brilliant. But then she did something that caught me totally off guard.

She kissed me.

I tried to think of something, anything. It didn't work. I didn't know my name. I didn't know where I was. Nothing in the universe existed, mattered, except for the fact that Annabeth was kissing me, her lips were soft, and her hair smelled like lemon soap. Somehow, it was the most intoxicating thing I'd ever smelled.

I kissed back, after my brain caught up with me. She made a small sound of satisfaction, as if she'd been waiting to be proved right, and she had. Her hands were splayed on the ground behind her, but her shoulder was twisted towards me, my right thigh pressed against her left. I twisted, facing her more fully, and cupped the back of her head, pulling her in to kiss her more fiercely.

I nibbled on her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth. Kissing Annabeth like this kind of reminded the part of my mind that wasn't dazed of sword fighting with her. She just wouldn't let me win, and she fought back intensely. I let out a soft groan, and it seemed to knock her out of some sort of stupor, as her eyes snapped open.

She pulled back, and I pouted slightly. She smiled. "I told you that you'd be the first to know."

"Well, that was certainly very... informative."

We sat, holding hands, for a while, sending each other shy smiles and lustful glances. Okay, maybe the lustful glances were mainly on my part, but she definitely had something intense shining in her eyes when she stared at me.

Eventually, she glanced at her watch and her eyes widened. I guessed that it was getting late. She stood up and offered me a hand. I playfully swatted at it this time, and stood up. We stared into each others eyes for a moment, and then she spun around walking back towards the tents. I couldn't resist staring at her walk away, she was just so toned and well-proportioned. She was like a warrior princess, glowing in the moonlight. I guess she felt my eyes on her back (or rather, backside) because she stopped suddenly, a few feet away, and spun around, smirking, with her eyes glinting mischievously.

"You might want to wipe the drool off your chin."

pairing: percy/thalia, - fanfiction, pairing: percy/annabeth, character: percy jackson, character: thalia grace, character: annabeth chase

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