01. Name Emily 02. LJ Username
vintage_rebel 03. How did you find out about the Percy Jackson series? I was looking around for a good book when I chanced upon the first Percy Jackson book. I was kind of curious about Greek gods so I decided to try reading the first book to see if it was good. By the time I was half way through the first book, I start scouting for the second in the series. The rest was history.
the oracle 04. What do you wish to accomplish in life? I'm one of those kind of people who have their entire life plan written out when they're ten. What I want to accomplish in life is to get a book written, get into a good english major course when I am in college, do some event planning for causes that I help out with (SPCA, riding for the disabled) have amazing experiences along the way and live life the way I want to live it, because evidently, it is my life. 05. What type of magical object would you like to have? I loved Annabeth's Yankee's hat, but if I could have a magical object I would want Hades helmet of darkness. 06. What makes you like or dislike a person? What would make me like a person is if the person is sincere and if the person always comes straight to the point. People who don't beat around the bush and whom are sincere with whatever they are saying are the kind of people you need in your life when you need answers. What would make me dislike a person is if the person is fake and a backstabber. I would instantly dislike people who are pretending to be someone they're not and or, stabbing people in the back by causing rumours. I also have a strange dislike to people who use an excessive amount of capital letters and exclamation marks to express their joy. It, seriously, annoys me. 07. Are you a leader or a follower? I am NEVER a follower. I'm not sorry or ashamed to say that I'm the kind of person who follows to the beat of my own drum- in a way, it is a flaw to be so stubborn and independent, but that's just the way I am. I don't see why I have to hang around someone and behave in a certain way when I am comfortable doing stuff my way. I guess it does make me sound snobbish/weird/deluded but that's just the way I think. 08. What would you consider your fatal flaw? Being overly stubborn. I can't really see things from an other person's point of view, and that is my flaw, in the sense that I am fiercely stubborn with my opinions and everything else. I would argue until my face turned blue if I am trying to prove a point, and that is very flawed of me, but I can't really change that. 09. What do you think are your top five best qualities? 01. [Hmm, okay. Top five.. Well, number one would have to be loyalty. Once you gain my trust, I would go all the way to help you regardless of whatever the issue is. Dead body? I'll bring the shovel. ] 02. [My second best quality would have to be me being straightforward. People don't think of it as a good quality but I think that telling it as you see it (without excessively hurting someone's feelings) is a pretty good quality, so.. *shrugs.* ] 03. [My third best quality would have to be that I am compassionate. I like to help out the best I can with organisations and societies. 04. [TMy best fourth quality would have to be me being pretty (selectively) hardworking, ] 05. [and then the last best quality would have to my perserverance. I'm persistant with stuff I want I guess. In other words, I am annoying at times.]
10. What do you think are your top five worst qualities? 01. [Well, I would say my best qualities are a double edged sword- they also can be my worst qualities. Like me being insanely stubborn and persistant. Some people just plainly dislike those qualities hence I consider it a flaw as well. ] 02. [I'm indecisive at times. I agonize over decisions for a long, long time and sometimes I'm so focused on trying to find the best decision for myself that I overlook the obvious ones.] 03. [I am sometimes too frank that I hurt people's feelings, even though I don't mean to. ] 04. [Overly spontaneous and confidence is one of my flaws because usually when I crash, I crash really hard. I'm not extremely cautious or guarded, so when something brings me down, it affects me a lot.] 05. [Being dramatic. I don't really think this counts as a flaw but I'm putting it here but sometimes, my mouth gets me into trouble and certain people don't like it. So yep, it should be a flaw.]
the series 11. Who is your favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? Thalia. She's tough and independent, and pretty much figures out what she wants and that's pretty special, and badass. 12. Who is your least favorite character in the Percy Jackson series? That would have to be Rachel. There's just something about her I dislike, it's just, well, words can't describe it. 13. If you could spend a day with one of the Percy Jackson characters, who would you choose and why? It would have to be Nico. He is just one of those characters that are so complex (To me) that it fascinates me. And he can shadow travel so maybe he'll bring me somewhere cool. 14. What is something you would change about the series? The ending. I didn't really like how it ended kind of abruptly and I was hoping that there would be more details on the showdown before Kronos and Percy. 15. What is something you would never change about the series? The badass characters! 16. Pick a fictional character from any book/movie/tv show/etc. Which cabin would you place them in and more importantly why? Picking Blair from Gossip Girl. I would put her in the Athena cabin even if she may seem superficial and bitchy- she always plans her schemes and moves well, and she knows what she wants and doesn't hesitate to go to the extreme to get what she wants, which reminds me a little of the Athena spirit with you know, a mean streak.16.Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer. [Self fulfillment-freedom-power-glory-security-beauty-wealth. I always regard as self-fulfillment as the most important because we are all living our own lives for ourselves. I don't see why you have to change or make extreme sacrifices that compromise your happiness. If you're unhappy or losing yourself to make someone else happy, rethink what you want in life and go make yourself happy, because life is too short to NOT fulfill yourself. Freedom is next because I cannot imagine a world where everything is controlled, where everything has to be done specifically this way to get this certain result. To me, life is about getting the results in the end by forging your own path because you have the freedom to so, so it appeals to me. Power. Wow, this word appeals to me because I like being in charge and being bossy at times, which is ahem, bad, but it appeals to me in a way that if it was used for the good of the people, it would bring a lot of change to the world. Glory. Who doesn't like to be known for their achievements and get the glory? Security. At some point of time in our lives, this is the most important thing in the world. Beauty. To me, it appeals as inner beauty and not really outer beauty, because it's really the personality that counts for everyone. I think the beauty to be a amazing friend/sister/brother/mom/dad is much more important than being beautiful because of eyeliner and blush. Lastly, wealth. I don't really regard money as something of great importance. It's what makes you happy and a great person to someone else that counts.]> 17. Which god do you feel the least likeness towards? [Ares. Sorry, I really hate his attitude and the way he treats Clarisse.] half blood hill 18. Age: [15] 19. Location: [Asia]