I don't usually like to post quotes because I believe in the merit of individual thought...but I really liked this one.
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - RumiAnd now for some of my own ruminations
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Comments 26
It's not. Remember me over the past year? It's not the best place to be.
Cynicisim is just one of our defenses against getting hurt. We put up that shield, and refuse things or people to get close to us, and it hurts less in that moment. However, if we don't let anyone close, it hurts us more in the long run.
"Question: Is it better to give up your dreams..."
Die to your self, then ask that question again.
"if I am too "spiritual" I risk becoming trite, dismissive, and cold.I'm not sure where you're getting this from. I look at the people in my life who are being lead by their own spirituality; Justin, Isaac, Jarred, Arron. The list goes on; and none of them are any of the traits you list above ( ... )
I wasn't saying go over-board with the cynicism, but just a dash of it (maybe it'd be better to call it skepticism) might be healthy, so that you don't expect too much and end up disappointed.
And yes, even within this line of inquiry i've realized the "dying to self" angle on it. I didn't bring it up because its one of those moments where I feel trite even saying anything about it?
That's why I said that people who are too spiritual seem cold, because they don't have any *Real* answers...only one's like "Trust God" or "Have faith" or "Just believe" or my absolute favorite, "We can't understand God's plan"But you are right...human beings can't live without trust. If that wall is built too strongly, it is very devastating, if not for just that one instant of relief ( ... )
Quad <3,
Skepticism is not healthy. Bereanism is...
Also...if we carefully read the Scriptures, it really *is* about despising the earthly.
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
not me it just makes me want to jump off the cliff like I used to do in Mario Brothers!!!!!
(is having a moment)
(me and Isaac used to play Mario Brothers back in the day and I would lose all my lifes on purpose, just start going really fast and just jump off the cliff on purpose, just to be silly...) Mostly I did it just to make him laugh though...
/silly tangent
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