rambling post inc (volume 2)

Jul 10, 2006 00:19

I don't usually like to post quotes because I believe in the merit of individual thought...but I really liked this one.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi

And now for some of my own ruminations...

I'm finding myself increasingly distasteful of failure, which prompts me to dismiss my dreams in the face of an increasingly gritty reality in which the good guy really CAN lose, the nice guy CAN finish last, and at the end of the story, the main character loses the girl or dies himself.

I also find that those who soar the highest have the greatest height from which to fall =(

I was thinking today that maybe, just maybe...a good portion of cynicism might actually be a healthy thing?

Question: Is it better to give up your dreams, knowing that there's a distinct reality that regardless of how much effort you put out, your God-given talents, and your character...that they still may never come to pass? I feel this strange dichotomy inside; I am a physical being, and thus have physical needs...but I am also a spiritual being and that complicates things. If I am too "earthly", I risk becoming immoral and flippant...if I am too "spiritual" I risk becoming trite, dismissive, and cold. I wish I could be like Jesus, having the perfect balance of the spiritual and the physical...at least I know that there's someone who has the answer, even if it doesn't seem forthcoming.

The more and more I think about it, the less I can really put stock into this life though, because it is so ephemeral. I hate to sound pessimist, but its really not all that great - its just that most Americans (read: myself and everyone I know) haven't really experienced what its like to truly be in need, with no way of getting out.

We see through our rose colored glasses; most of us have never known what it is to lose our family to war, pestilence, or famine. We ourselves drive around in our nice little cars, singing our nice little songs while the world falls apart outside our nice little borders. I think "Hotel Rwanda" said it best -

"What will most people do after seeing this? Go back to eating their dinner"

The fact that I can't silence my conscience but can't really DO anything to satiate it either is, well... rather vexing >_
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