Nov 08, 2008 21:47
My mom had a court date last week, seeing as my parents are still in the middle of a divorce. My mom told me that my dad is accusing her of "spending too much money while they were married and that's why he left". ......... WHAT? That's seriously the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. My mom... MY MOM... spends too much money? Not only that, but he said she spent it on HERSELF. I'm at a loss of words. I live with the woman, ok? Have my whole life and so did he... we both know she DOES NOT spend a lot of money nor does she spend it on herself. You know what she buys for herself? 3 new pairs of jeans once every 3 or 4 years and like a $20 dollar bottle of her favorite perfume whenever she runs out of it. THAT'S IT. I cannot think of one other item she has ever bought for herself. Everything she buys is for the family and they are essentials. Food, shampoo, laundry detergent. She doesn't go out and buy TV's. Actually, I have NEVER seen her buy a TV or anything of entertainment value unless it was for Christmas. I just... I don't get it. How can someone LIE like that? And not just someone but my DAD. My dad is a BIG spender. He's the one who is always buying extravagant things that we really doesn't need. To this day he still replaces expensive items in his home that do not need replaced. He seriously bought 3 laptops within 2 years. THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM. They just weren't up to his "standards". My dad is not a wealthy guy. He's middle class. He doesn't have all the money in the world and is pretty much in a deep hole of dept at the moment.
The next time she has to go to court she should wear her rattiest jeans and a shirt she's had for 10+ years. You know what she wore to court? A nice cashmere sweater that I BOUGHT HER. And that's seriously the nicest item of clothing she owns. Something that she didn't buy herself. I got her that for Christmas like, 2 years ago. Yeah, she spends a lot of money on herself. Ok, so she used to spend $80-$90 bucks when she went to the hair salon... but that was for me too. And that was only a yearly thing! >_>;;
I just... I don't get it. He probably thinks my mom is like him and that she doesn't tell me anything about what's going on with the divorce. Well... too bad for him. My dad doesn't talk to me about the divorce. Never heard him say one word about my mom to me. I know my mom is a truthful person and that she's not meaning to make my dad look bad to get me on her side or anything like that. She's just telling me how it is and I don't mind it. But my dad doesn't and that makes me think that he doesn't want me to know that he's trying to screw my mom out of money that she deserves more than anyone.
Sigh. I hate that this is making my mom so stressed. She already has bills to be stressed about and now there's some dude telling her that he wants $10k of her money because she was an excessive spender when she wasn't.
Oh, and get this. Apparently my grandpa was with my dad at the courthouse that day, and my moms attorney said that there may be a "conflict of interest" because my dads attorney is good friends with the family. Yeah, my dads family has gone through A LOT of divorces. My dads sister has been divorced 3 times and my grandpa twice. For christ's sake... Paul told my mom to find a new judge and "who brings their dad to their court date?!" LOL Eh, it made me laugh. That's all that matters.
Also... I haven't really talked to my dad since... Father's Day. Which was in mid June. But it's cool, because now my guilt isn't riding me so hard anymore now that I know this. I wish I didn't have to talk to him until after the divorce is finalized, but seeing how things are currently, I think that's going to be a looong time. And it's really hard to ignore someone during the Holidays. -_- I'd feel too bad if I didn't see him on Christmas.